Earned It

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*Seriously...this song tho.


"You know I can take whatever I want."

"I'm sure you could try. But that would be cheating."

Kylo rolled his eyes and moved a piece forward, his finger resting lightly on its head.  He wasn't sure this was the right move. Then again lately he wasn't sure about anything. He stared at the board before finally removing his hand. He was never very competitive but when it came to her he was determined to win.

"Hmmm" she stared at his piece. It was a good move, but she could see where he was heading and wasn't going to let him win this time. Rey had only just learned to play chess and so far, he had beaten her every time. This time the stakes were higher. If she didn't win there would be consequences.

"Were you planning on making a move or do you forfeit already?"

"You wish, I'm trying to decide whether I should drag out your suffering or end it quickly."

He rolled his eyes again, he seemed to be getting good at that. She already knew she was dragging things out. Finally, she picked up her knight and moved it across the board.


"Interesting." He mumbled. Now he was stuck. On the one hand he had a few moves left but on the other she could potentially counter all of them.

He looked, up at her and nearly stopped breathing. She had taken her hair out and was combing it out with her fingers. He had never seen her with her hair down and the sight was beyond anything. She shook her head slightly and he could smell the sweetness of her from across the board. She smelled of rain and flowers mixed with earth. It was the smell of home. 

"Earth to Ben. Are you still in there?"

"I told you not to call me that." This time it was her rolling her eyes.

"Sorry, Supreme Leader." She chuckled slightly. She certainly knew how to distract him. She was needlessly flirty after all she already has his heart, she didn't need to try.

"So when I win" she started. "How are you going to pay up?"

"I told you, it's your choice. That was the deal. And if I win you know what I want."

She gave an exasperated sigh. She did indeed know what he wanted. It was always the same. He want her to join him.

She on the other hand had no clue what she was going to ask him for. Though it would be a few more moves before either of them would have to pay up.

He made his move. It wasn't a very smart move and he knew it. She knew it. But he had already planned on letting her win the minute she took her hair down. His mind already going over the possibilities of what she would ask for. They both looked at each other. There was enough tension in the room that they both seemed to be holding their breath.

She looked at him quizzically. He seemed to be giving up, but he wasn't the type to give up. If anything, he was planning something.

She moved again. He had no moves left at this point. He looked up and smiled. She nearly stopped breathing. Her heart was beating so loud she wondered if he could hear it.

"Check mate." She whispered. His smile didn't falter. 

"Well it took you long enough, you finally beat me."

It was too easy. He could have easily won but he didn't, he let her have the victory.

"What are you planning Ben?"

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