World Conference Script

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If you think they something else please tell me and I'll look into it more~! :)


America: Dude, I think the world Conference can convene. Solving all of today's problems by talking excessively. No matter how hard it seems, we can fix anything with enough meetings and photo-ops. Feel free to speak honestly while protecting your chances for re-election. I'll go first. About that whole using global warming to enslave humanity thing; I think we'll be okay if we genetically engineer a huge hero and have him protect the earth. I give you the superhero, Globa-man!

Japan: I agree with America because of the…

Switzerland: Man up, or I'll beat you with my peace prize!

Britain: There’s no way some hero will help global warming or humanities' enslavement.

France: If Britain and America don't agree, how can I be superior by dissing them both?

(Britain: Dump France inside a shower of spit! [Or something like that…])

Britain: I concur!

America: You Frenchies love to hate America. Why not go back to making us hot green chick statues like you used to?

France: Ever since we lost our status as a world super power condescending superiority and wine is all we have left.

Britain: Don’t be so hard on yourself you still have mimes and body odor.

China: Western nations are so immature. I doubt they'll ever grow up. Maybe I can try appealing to the only organ of theirs that seems to work. Would you guys like to sample some Chinese tasty treat?

(Britain: I used to be an empire now I *something* French military victories!)

 France and Britain: We’ll just get hungry again!

Spain: Hey! Why don't you say something, Russia? They'll stop fighting if you go over and step in.

Russia: What? Why me? No thanks. I wanna see Lithuania get in big trouble and come crawling back for help. Then Latvia will be right behind.

Estonia: You're so tough. Next you'll be trying to pick a fight with Haiti.

Russia: Do you have a miniature detachable head?

Poland: Stop right there! If you get any closer to Lithuania I’ll be forced to get Lech Wałęsa and go all Solidarność on you! (Not 100% what he says at ‘be forced to get’ because it sounds like he’s speaking Polish there also O.O)

(America: Dude it’s like a UFC in here *something (probably saying how UFC sounds like KFC)* KFC! *something* Hungry anyone?)

China: Please everyone, calm down!

(France: Get your hands off me!)

Germany: Everyone shut up!

Britain and France: Germany?

Germany: We've called this conference to solve the world's problems. Not to fight about the problems of our past. And since I'm the only country who seems to know how to run a meeting, we'll follow my rules from here on out. Eight minutes each for speeches. No chit-chat about side-deals. And absolutely no going over the time limit. Now if you want to go, make sure you're prepared and raise your hand. But do so in a way that does NOT mock any salutes of my country's past. Germany recognizes his friend Italy.



UFC: Ultimate Fighting Championship

Solidarność: Solidarity (It was the first none communist party trade union in the Warsaw pack. They were anti-Soviet to put it simply)

Lech Wałęsa: He was the leader of 'Solidarity'.

Oh... and if any body couldn't tell... Estonia was being sarcastic.

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