Drum Roll Please!

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Alright, ladies and gentlemen and other humans, this is the moment you've all been waiting for!

First off, thank you for sharing your stories with me and the rest of the Wattpad community. It's been a lot of fun to read new stuff, and it's been really hard picking the winners. Please don't feel bad if you don't win. You are all amazing!

We'll start with the miscellaneous awards. I only picked a few that I thought fit a few outstanding stories. Any more and too many people would have gotten awards (I say that because then only like 10 out of the 40ish would not get awarded and that's not nice).


Drum roll, please!

The Most Creative Award goes to:

Inside the Asylum by avadel!

I've never seen a story formatted quite like this one, with letters and poems telling a story. The only thing I'd say was that though it was about the same length as the other entries, forty parts are a lot.

The Teacher Award goes to:

IMPERMANENCE by thecreator12!

This wasn't quite formatted like a story, but it had an amazing message to the world, and I'd highly recommend checking it out.

(Also I kind of want a new name for this award, since "teacher" sounds cheesy)

The Best Character Award goes to:

The Night Window Demon by taffish!

I loved both characters in this story, especially the actual window demon. They were very well developed in a short time. This was under the fanfiction category, and I still managed to understand most everything.

On to the best in category!

Remember, we only had four categories (general fiction, fantasy, romance, and horror) that had enough entries to compete here. Here we go!

The Best Fiction Award goes to:

Winter Gaming by KozmicKookieDxD!

This was short and sweet and had a great message at the end. The character was cute and had a great voice in her story.

The Best Fantasy Award goes to:

Skygazer by Owelz_The_Only!

The setting and world building in this story was amazing for the limited time there was to build it. Though there wasn't much action, each character had a voice. I'd love to see this continue.

The Best Romance Award goes to:

Chained Gates by _Imperfect_Writing!

This wasn't your typical romance story. Instead it almost blended with fantasy to create a world that reminded me of mythology and ancient entities. It was touching and very well done.

The Best Horror Award goes to:

Behind the Forbidden Door by thebestwhovian!

This gave me chills. The suspense was written very well. Sometimes it's hard to write horror in a short time, and this story nailed it.

And now...

The rest of you are probably on the edge of your seats wondering, "Is it me? Did I get the Minstrel Award?"

Who are the best storytellers?

The stress is unbearable.

Here we go...

The third place winner of the Minstrel Award goes to:

Merged by KookieANDLeo!

A short, two part sci-fi story told in two perspectives. Very engaging and creative. I love the idea of merging a human and an artificial intelligence.

The second place winner of the Minstrel Award goes to:

AZURA by most_bay!

This short little romance was touching and sweet. I loved the character development and the emotions behind the words.

And finally, the first place winner of the 2018 Minstrel Award goes to:

*massive drum roll please*

By the Moonlight by MolayneMelody!

You made me cry. That is not an easy feat. This is a beautiful and heartbreaking story that I want to tell you all so much about, but I don't want to spoil it, because you should all read it. The emotions in each sentence really struck me.

Congratulations to all! Thank you for sharing your talents with me!

I'll be giving out prizes like the votes, comments, etc as well as the stickers within this week or the next. The winners book will be up probavly after that. A new timeline will be up in a few days for what's going to happen with the 2019. If you guys want to know some feedback/criticism, send me a message and I'll respond as soon as I can.

See you guys then, and happy writing!

~ the Admin,
DragonSwirl :D

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