The Puppy

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Third Person's Pov

Alexander Hamilton held a puppy with bright red fur and a black nose in his arms. The puppy was absolutely adorable. Alex had been out walking when he stumbled among the puppy. The puppy had looked up at Alex with big wide eyes that would full of sadness. The puppy's eyes had broke Alex's heart. Alex just couldn't left the puppy to fend for itself. So he decided to take the puppy home. Alex chewed on his bottom lip nervously as he waited for his husband to come home. He didn't want Thomas to kick the puppy out. Alex couldn't bare that. For he had already fallen in love with the puppy.

For the puppy reminded him so much of him. He stoked behind the puppy's ears, feeling very calm. Alex suddenly heard the door open and panic filled his eyes. What would his husband say? Thomas walked in with a big smile on his face. The smile on his face quickly turned into one of surprise/shock when he saw the excited puppy that was wagging it's tail. The puppy was tying desperately to get out of Alex's arms. Alex eventually couldn't hold the wiggling puppy anymore and the puppy escaped running straight for Thomas.

Thomas just stood there, his eyes wide. The puppy stopped abruptly at Thomas's feet. The puppy sat on it's butt and looked up at Thomas. The puppy looked like an ant compared to Thomas. Thomas couldn't help but smile down at the puppy that was sitting very gracefully at his feet. Thomas got down on his knees and the puppy immediately climbed onto the tall virginian's lap. "You're so well behaved aren't you?" Thomas said as more of a statement than a question. The puppy wagged it's tail at the prise. Alex watched from his spot on the sofa glad that Thomas seemed to like the red furred puppy.

Thomas scooped up the puppy into his arms. He then looked at his husband. A smile lit up Thomas's face. "Where did you get this puppy from? he asked. "I was out walking and saw that it was all alone and it looked so sad. I just had to take him or her home with me." Alex said as he looked up at his husband who he loved so dearly. Thomas smiled sadly knowing that the puppy probably reminded Alex of his childhood. "This puppy reminds you of your childhood doesn't it?" Thomas asked gently. The Caribbean nodded sadly. "Don't be sad Darlin'," Thomas said gently as he sat down next to his lover on the sofa.

Thomas sat the puppy down on the floor. "Come here Lexi," Thomas said softly holding his arms out. Alex quickly climbed into his husband's strong arms. Thomas wrapped his arms around his lover tightly. Alex laid his head on Thomas's chest. He felt safe and warm being in arms that were like home to him. Alex couldn't help the tears that started running down his face. "T-tommy," he stuttered helplessly. "Shhh..." Thomas whispered as he rubbed soothing circles onto his husband's back. The puppy start whimpering at the change in the room.

The puppy could tell that Alex was sad. He or she wanted more that anything to get to Alex and comfort him. The puppy jumped onto the sofa trying desperately to get in between the two lovers. Alex lifted his head from Thomas's chest. "It's alright girl," Alex said trying to calm the puppy down. Thomas then looked down at his husband. "How do you know the puppy's a girl?" Alex just looked at the puppy and a small smile crossed his lips. "I just know," Alex said. "I think we should call her Lucy?" Thomas suggested. "I like that Tommy."

"How about you, do you like it?" Alex asked referring to the puppy. The puppy wagged it's tail and gave a happy bark. "Lucy it is," Thomas said.

A couple years later

"Lucy!" a little girl yelled. The three year old dog came running towards the little girl. The little girl smiled and wrapped her arms around the dog's body. Thomas and Alex would cuddled on the sofa. Both of them had smiles on their faces. They had both decided to adopt a little girl who was now six years old. She had came to their home at the age of three when Lucy was still a puppy. The little girl was ambitious, hard-working, incredibly smart, and full of energy just like both of her fathers. Thomas and Alex couldn't had asked for a better little girl. She was the picture of perfect.

"Papa, Daddy look what I taught Lucy to do!" Polly exclaimed. The couple watched as Polly said, "Shake Lucy." The red furred dog lifted her paw and held it out waiting for Polly to take it. Polly took Lucy's paw and the two shoke. Thomas and Alex both clapped. Smiles lit up their faces. Polly let go of Lucy's paw and bowed in front of her fathers. "Thank-you. Thank-you," Polly said as she smiled. She loved it when her papa and daddy would happy. "You're such a smart girl, you know that?" Thomas asked.

Polly just smiled more if that was possible. "Me and your papa are very proud," Alex said as he looked at his daughter. Polly was full of joy. Polly did a little dance which caused Lucy to start barking. The two lovers just laughed. Soon joyous laughter filled the room. Lucy laid down on the floor and looked around. She didn't understand the noise that was coming out of everyone's mouths but she could tell that everyone was happy and that was enough for her. All Lucy wanted was for her family to be happy.

Soon night came and it was time for Polly to go to sleep. "But I'm not tried," Polly whined. Alex and Thomas could both tell that Polly was tried but they didn't said so. "Do you want a piggyback ride?" Thomas asked as he looked down at his daughter who was rubbing her eyes. "Yes please papa," Polly said in a sleeply voice. Thomas lowered himself so she could hop on his back. Once on and in the air Polly let out a yawn and she laid her head on Thomas's shoulder. When they reached Polly's bedroom she was sound asleep. Behind Alex was Lucy who had been following them.

Thomas gently lowed Polly to her bed and Lucy hopped onto the bed and curled around Polly. Polly hummed in her sleep. Thomas and Alex smiled. Thomas and Alex each took their turn kissing their daughter's forehead and whispering goodnight. The couple then headed to their shared room. They both climbed into bed. Their legs became intertwined and their arms wrapped around the other. "Goodnight Lexi," Thomas whispered kissing Alex on the lips. The kiss was short and sweet. Alex smiled. "Goodnight Tommy." The lovers then fell asleep.

Hoped you guys enjoyed. Thank-you bobo1324 for your wonderful comment. Quick fact for you guys the names of two of Thomas Jefferson's children were Mary and Lucy. Well they called Mary, Polly. I'm been listening to this audio book, "American's First Daughter," and that's what inspirated me to name the dog who was a Irish Settler Lucy and Jamilton's daughter Polly.

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