Chapter One: Emmy

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There she was. Holy guacamole. It's Christina. I don't know why I'm so surprised, after all, I walk this way because I know she'll be here. It's not my fault I saw her here one time and decided to see how often she wasn't around. I swear, I don't stalk her. Her gorgeous brown hair and chocolate eyes, oh my god her eyes. They were dark pools of heaven. They went flawlessly with everything. Including her hair. Her rich brown hair, which nearly reached her waist. And her smile. That was the killer right there. Her smile. Why did it have to be so perfect?

"Emmy? Hello? Earth to Emmy," laughed Tom.

"What? Huh? Forty two." I said, right before I realized that I was not in math anymore.

"Someone was daydreaming," Tom teased. Tom was my best friend. My partner in crime since 2009.

"What? No,"

"Emmy. I know when you're lying. So. Who is the lucky girl?" That's right. He knew I was gay.

"Only the girl I've been thinking about for weeks," I sighed.

"Oh. Christina-"

"Shhhh! You might draw her attention!" I scolded. he held up his hands as if to say that he surrendered.

"We should get to biology." he said, nudging me forward. I was already thinking about how easily I could get lost in her eyes again. I guess it really was easy. That's when Christina decided to look my way. She smiled at me and waved. So I waved back, and then turned to Tom.

"Did you see that?"

"See what?"

"She acknowledged my existence!"

"Calm down. Let's get you to bio." he hauled me off, and I didn't protest. Much.

- - -

Unfortunately, I went the rest of the day without seeing the most beautiful face. After school, I got home and pulled out a carton of ice cream before heading up to my room. I hopped onto Tumblr because screw you, homework.

"Emmy! Where's the ice cream!" I heard the annoyance holler. The annoyance. Or better known as my brother.

"It's up here Luke."

"Why?" he sounded mad. He had no right to be. I bought it.

"Because it's mine, idiot." I yelled.

"I'm telling mom,"

"Tattletale," I muttered into my ice cream, scrolling through my feed. A particular post caught my eye. It was a poem about someone coming out to their parents. I read it through.

As I stand in the hallway,

I fear for my life.

Not that I won't live through this,

but the fear of rejection.

That my old life will go away,

when I come out all of the strife

that I have avoided won't miss,

but will hit me without anyone's objection.

I read it over four times at least. That was deep. Like, really deep. I felt bad for the kid. My brother burst in.

"GIVE ME THE ICE CREAM!" he shouted at me.

"No. I bought it!"

"You bought the last pint of Mint Chocolate Chip!"

"I haven't eaten it yet. The one before this was Rocky Road! Wait... did you eat my ice cream?!" My brother looked hella guilty.

"I- I might have had-"

"You little bitch!" I shoved him away, holding the ice cream as far above my head and away from Luke as possible. "You ate my ice cream."

"And replaced it."

"Only to tell me not to eat it."

"Yeah." he looked at his feet.

"No. I'm eating this. You can't stop me. Or I'll tell mom you were eating my food again."

"Mom doesn't care," he said, calling my bluff. I don't feel like getting a lecture on sharing. Typically, this gets him to leave me alone.

"Just walk away, Luke. You're not getting the ice cream."

"Why?" he whined.

"Because you ate all of mine!"

"Awe, Emmy, don't be like that."

"Luke. Leave me alone. Please. I just want to eat my ice cream in peace." I muttered. The whole mood seemed to shift.

"Emmy are you okay?"

"Just sad." I shrug.

"What's up?"

"...I don't think the person I like likes me back."

"Who is he?" I froze. It's not a he. It's a she. She's gorgeous. But you don't know that I'm gay.

"I- uh..." I trailed.

"Oh. You don't want to say. Okay. You never really talk about this sort of thing anyways." he smiled at me, putting a hand onto my shoulder.

"Thanks, Luke." I said.

"This guy is a complete idiot if he doesn't like you back. By the way." he got up.

"Thanks, Luke. But you're still not getting any ice cream."

"Well, you can't say I didn't try." he laughed walking out. "But Em, I was serious." and then he walked out.

"Close the door!" I called

"You're closer!" he retorted. I sighed, getting out of the nest of blankets that is my bed and closing the door, before returning to Tumblr. Something in my brain told me to do my homework, but I never listened to that part of my brain. Literally anything was better than homework. Except maybe yard work. I hate yard work.

- - -

Later, I called Tom.

"Hey, Tom?"

"That would be me." he said.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much. You?"

"Well you remember when you were over last week and I swore that I had ice cream in the freezer but it was no where to be found and you called me crazy?"


"I wasn't crazy. Luke ate it."

"The knucklehead."

"Right?" I sighed. "So then he put a new one in the freezer and tried to get mad at me for eating it even though he bought it. But since he ate mine, I told him I wasn't budging on this."

"Look at you, my little problem solver! The little turd deserves it," Tom laughed.

"Yeah. If he wanted his ice cream so bad, he shouldn't have eaten mine." I looked at my nails. "Am I being petty?" I questioned.

"Very." confirmed Tom.

"Perfect." I was grinning.

"Are your parents home yet?" my grin fell. My parents had been on a business trip for three weeks now. They said a few days.

"No, but that's not new. Believe me, I will call you the second they get here. Well, maybe not the second they get here. But soon after."

"Alright, well I have to go. Byeee!" and then he hung up.

The Unsaveable Emmy RollinsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora