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"You know, I don't have any other clothes other than what I'm wearing." Natasha and Wanda looked at each other and smiled. "We'll take you to some stores to get some new clothes." Wanda said. I smiled and turned to Bucky. He nodded.
I'll have you all night." He said with a wink. The others groaned and giggled while I turned red as an apple.

Time Skip to the Mall with Wanda and Natasha

Tony, being as generous as he could be. (I've been told he isn't often) He gave me a credit card and told me to 'go wild'. "So where to first?" I asked the girls. They looked around and pointed to a random store. We walked in and I was shocked at the different styles and how much more revealing they were. The world truly has changed.

While we walked through the aisles of the store I marveled at all the colors and various styles of clothes. Wanda and Natasha were pulling things out, eyeing my size and shoving clothes into my arms. After 20 minutes they shoved me towards a dressing room and informed me they wanted to see everything that they gave to me.

After a half an hour and many... many clothing options we found some suitable ones and moved onto the next store. After hitting 5 more clothing stores and 2 shoe stores we were finally ready to call it a night. "I had a lot of fun you two" I said from the passenger seat of the car. Natasha smiled at me. "I'm glad you did."

We arrived at the tower and loaded everything into the elevator, heading up to my floor. "Doll?" Bucky called out from our living area. "Yeah Buck it's me." He came over to the elevator and smiled. "Had fun did you?" I nodded. "Thanks for taking care of her girls." They waved him off and headed to their own floors. Bucky turned to me. "You gonna put on a fashion show for me doll." He said winking. I blushed and looked at the floor. "You'll see the clothes while you help me put them away." He laughed and followed me to my room with some of my bags. While he went to grab the other bags I put away my intimates.

The next hour was spent putting away clothes while catching up. I yawned. "I'm ready for bed." He nodded and kissed my forehead and went for the door. "James?" He stopped and turned his head to me. "Will you stay with me tonight?" He smirked and nodded. "Anything for you Doll." He made his way over to me and we laid down in the bed. "I love you." Bucky whispered. I smiled and cuddled into him. I looked up at him from my place on his chest.

"I love you too James."

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