11: She belongs with me

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Relief flooded your body, and you could tell that Rex's body momentarily relaxed as he let out lengthy shaking breaths into your shoulder. Your hands softly stroked up and down his back in an attempt to calm him down a little more, and it worked.

You smiled to yourself, now confident in the knowledge that you were reunited with Rex and were safe. Yet, that all changed when you felt a hand, a third hand on your left shoulder. Even though it landed softly and quietly, that didn't stop you from realising that the hand was applying a great amount of pressure. So much pressure in fact that your body started to dip slightly to the left. It caught Rex's attention and he looked up at you.

"Hey, what's-" Rex abruptly cut himself off from saying anything else when he spotted the huge hand that was seemingly crushing your shoulder. Rex looked at the hand and followed its arm up to its face, it was Jason. Jason's heavy breathing became loud and violently echoed between his face and his coverage, his mask.

Rex pulled away from you and stared up at Jason, his face filled with absolute horror as Jason stood there behind you. You looked back at Jason and winced at the amount of pressure he were applying to your shoulder, but it didn't phase him, not one bit.
"W-what the fuck! Who the hell are you?!" Rex squealed. Determined to free you from this madman's grasp, Rex swiftly lunged forward and grabbed your wrist.

Rex roughly pulled on your wrist, trying desperately to pry you away from Jason, but to no avail; Jason's grip only tightened to the point where your shoulder turned purple and painfully began to throb. Jason grunted furiously and practically yanked you backwards out of Rex's grip. You stumbled and steadied yourself, you clasped your aching shoulder and looked back up at Jason who was now standing in front of you blocking Rex's view of you; preventing Rex from seeing you, like a guard dog.

Rex's shaking breaths only increased as he now stood like an armed cowboy about to retrieve his gun from its sheath in a cliche 'Let's draw' stand off. Jason took a few slow, deliberate steps forward towards Rex now successfully sizing him up. Rex's neck was now literally arching to look up at Jason.

Rex took a few small steps, which were more like frail stumbles, back away from Jason in an attempt to make Jason seem a little less intimidating, but Jason continued to lurch towards him and size him up effectively. Rex looked back over at you helplessly before returning his gaze to Jason. Rex narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white with anger. Rex brought his fist up and struck Jason in the chest.

Jason slowly looked down at Rex's fist, for some reason still pressed up against his chest, and paused. Rex inaudibly gulped and looked at his fist. Almost as if Rex knew he'd messed up, he gazed up at Jason with a blank stare, almost as if thinking, 'Oh god, now I'm in for it'. Jason slowly looked back up at Rex until Rex yelled out and started pounding away at anything he could; he hit Jason's chest, his arms, his face, hell he even kicked Jason in the crotch, but nothing phased Jason at all.

Rex pulled his hand back far behind his head readying himself to presumably strike Jason in the face. Rex forced his fist forward and was about to give Jason's face a severe blow, before Jason's fist came up with the speed of lightning to meet Rex's. Rex paused and stared at Jason's huge hand now clutching his own clenched fist before trying to wriggle it free.

The next part caused you to turn away in shock and disgust. Jason squeezed Rex's fist even tighter and ruthlessly twisted it around causing Rex's lower radius bone to snap and tear through his flesh. You swiftly turned away and covered your ears as Rex let out a bloodcurdling scream if agony.

Jason shoved Rex to the floor and stood over him like a guard dog. Rex whimpered and cradled his wrist carefully. You looked over at Jason and suddenly had an idea, yet you had to act fast; Jason was already readying his machete, just about to plunge it down upon Rex.

You got up and hurled yourself towards Jason. Not knowing at all how to stop him you rushed over to Jason and wrapped your arms around him, as if trying to hold him back. Jason paused and looked down at you, he noticed that your eyes were streaming with tears. You subconsciously snuggled into Jason's side and cried into him, while he looked down at you in light confusion.
"Please..." You began, tightly clutching Jason's coat.
"Please don't kill him, Jason...let him go, please." You pleaded, warm tears continued to pour from your eyes. Jason, for the tiniest second looked takes back, almost, guilty, but it didn't last long. Jason tightened his grip on his machete and was getting ready to strike. Rex crawled back a little in an attempt to get away, even though he knew he wouldn't get very far at all.

You had to think fast; Jason was about to kill Rex. Even Rex knew he was as good as gone and readied himself, his arm coming up to block his face. The familiar creaking sound of Jason's grip tightening itself around the machete's handle made itself present in the air.

"I'LL STAY HERE, JASON!" You finally blurred out. Jason paused abruptly and stood still as a statue. Rex slowly, very slowly brought his hand away from his face to look at you in disbelief.
"What? (Y-Y/N)...No, you can't do tha-"
"I promise...". You stated confidently, gazing up at Jason who was now lowering his machete and facing you.

Jason completely lowered his machete and stood motionless for a while. Rex sighed with relief and shuffled slightly. You turned your attention to Rex and moved over to him, your shoes noisily crunched over the gravel ground as you gave Rex a hand-up. Rex winced and whined out in pain slightly, clutching his now broken wrist that had began to swell up and turn purple.

You held Rex's shoulders causing him to look straight at you.
"Rex, trust me, I know it sounds crazy but...that's Jason Voorhees. You know, that little boy form camp?"
"Yeah, but-". You cut Rex off mid sentence.
"Don't worry, I've talked to him, he won't hurt me". You reassured him. Jason heard what you said and he internally agreed with you; he didn't have it in him to kill the once person who never ridiculed him as a child.

You placed your hand on Rex's shoulder and smiled. Rex knew deep down that you would be in slight danger, but because of the innocent stunt you'd just pulled with Jason, that whole, 'Please, I'll do anything' cliche, his suspicion began to fall. His mind once again returned to the scorching pain in his bend wrist, he gritted his teeth and you ushered him to his truck.

"Rex, go to the hospital and get patched up. I'll see you when your better." You declared him reassuringly. Rex was about to answer until you both heard the scrapping of metal agains stone. You looked over your shoulder to see Jason using his machete to plough a message into the loose gravel beneath his feet.

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