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    (The Baldi picture above is just for fun lolol)

Plus, in this fanfiction, the reader is 19 and the principal is 21


              (Third Person POV)

Y/N had just transferred to a new school, in search of a job. It was a strange school in fact. She walked through the yellow doors and was greeted by an overly excited bald-ish man. Why he was bald-ish? He still had one surviving strand of brown hair. 

             (Y/N's POV)

The happy man spoke, "My name is Baldi, and I suppose you're Y/N?" I smiled at Baldi. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you Mr. Baldi." He smiled back and offered his hand for a handshake. I noticed how unnaturally long his fingers were, but you didn't really want to make it seem like you cared much; due to the fact that it would be a bit rude if you didn't accept his handshake, so you did. "I'll take you to the principal's office so he can show you around, I have a class to teach in a few minutes." I nodded and followed him to the principals office. Once we had arrived, Mr. Baldi saw the time and dashed off. I suppose it was classtime for him. I opened the door to the principal's office and sat down on a chair in front of what i supposed was the principals desk. 

After 5 minutes of waiting, I heard a faint whistling outside the door, and a tall, kind of handsome man walked in. He casually sat down in the seat behind the desk I was in front of. He must be the principal. The principal looked in his desk and took out some papers, he shuffled them up and read them carefully. This gave me enough time to acknowledge how strangely cute he was. I started to get a little nervous. 

Why am I nervous.. This isn't the first job interview I've had...

 I snapped out of it as the Principal called out my name. 

"Y/N?" He spoke.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I'm grateful." He slightly smiled. I blushed a bit. "Grateful? For what..?" The tall man patted my head. "For actually coming here for a job, it has been a long time." 

Did he just

Pat my head..?

Why would he- 

He interrupted my thoughts. "Anyways, you're hired. You'll be assisting Mr. Baldi in Room 99."

So.. all of them?

"You may have already noticed, but I'm the principal of this school. I'm known as Principal of the Thing, but I'll allow you to call me what you'd like." The principal smiled and shook my hand. I blushed a bit. A smile really suited him.


I waved goodbye to Mr. Baldi, since my shift was over. As I was approaching the exit, I was stopped by a tug on my leg. I turned and looked down. "Huh?-" A little girl with no eyes and very messy hair stopped me in my tracks. "Let's Play! I'm Playtime!" The little girl said.

I should get home.. but this little girl is too cute,

I smiled. "Of course, let's play!" Playtime handed me some jump rope. I jumped with the jumprope, as Playtime counted how many I had done. 

~~Some time Later..~~

I was exhausted. I really just did 43 jumps with a jump rope. Playtime was astonished and was clapping and smiling brightly. "You did amazing! Let's play again sometime!" She happily skipped off and I waved goodbye to her. 

What an exciting day.

(BBIEAL) Principal of The Thing x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now