2. Remember?

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Remember the nights?
- They were the best
Oh, the moaning
The elated groaning
My my, the zest!

Remember the feeling?
- The fire in our hearts
Oh, the heat between our legs
Round holes, round pegs -
We were, simply a work of art.

Remember the mornings?
You would grab me by the hand
And sit with me,
And the sunrises we would see
Thinking we would never end.

Remember the quiet and peace?
The sound of oceans?
The taste of the salty air,
The strolls we took with feet bare?
Oh, how we loved the magical motions!

Remember though, the end?
- When we fell,
Fell out of love...?
When we stopped looking above,
Because we knew we were beyond hell?

Remember the promises?
How you said we wouldn't part,
How you vowed to watch every solstice,
And sing with me in chorus.
Boy, we really were a work of art.

But like every piece of good art,
They didn't understand us,
Our beautiful emotions,
Thought we were drugged with potions.
And so, we had to adjust.

And now it's June,
- The Pride Month
And I'm alone
Because you, dear, are gone.

And so, I lay awake
At nights,
Counting the stars
Ignoring the honking cars,
Missing your love bites.

So tell me,
Do you remember?
- The nights, the days, the promises?
Tell me, boy!
Do you?!

4th June 2018

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