Happy Birthday ( Part 2 )

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A/N - Part 2 is out! Yay.....

Enjoy readers.

Third person POV - Finally😂

You and Hiruma were at the register to turn in your football tickets. When the man have you your seat numbers you went into the stadium.

When you got into the stadium you looked around at all of the stuff. Well... You were mostly looking at popcorn.

Hiruma was looking around for the seats and held your hand.

When you got to your seats Hiruma wrapped his arm around you and the game was about to start.

You just had to look at Hiruma to realize that he was recording the game.
You shook your head and chuckled.

During one of the plays one of the team members got injured and had to be replaced.

So they replaced him with someone else and continued the game. When ( Fav Team ) won you literally jumped out of your seat and screamed in happiness. Hiruma just sweat dropped.


"That game was so awesome! I LOVED IT!" you shouted heading to the mall with your lover's hand intertwined with yours. " Yeah I could tell" Hiruma said shaking his head.

" Did you like the game Hiruma? ".

" Yes it was entertaining "

When you two got to the mall you both faced each other. " Yosh! You buy food and I'll be right back" you said giving Hiruma some money.

" Y/N take your money back " Hiruma said which made you turn around.

" No Hiruma YOU take it "

" I won't let you pay for everything "

" But it's your birthday!!! "

After 10 minutes of arguing Hiruma finally took the money and you walked to the store in victory.

Mini Time skip brought to you by: A Football🏈

You walked out with a bag in your hand giggling.

You went to the jewelry store and bought Hiruma a gold watch with you and his initials on it.

You made the order online and wanted to pick it up exactly from the store. Good thing it was ready on his birthday and not later.

You got to ( Hiruma's Fav Food place ) and saw him waiting for you at the table.

His back was facing you so you walked up and wrapped your arms around him. He looked up and smiled as you handed him your bag with the watch in it.

Hiruma looked at the bag and took it.
When he looked at the watch his eyes lit up with happiness.

" Happy Birthday Hiruma! " you said now hugging him from the front.

" Thank you Y/N, and thanks...for all of this" Hiruma said hugging you back.

You thought you heard some people saying aww and you blushed but stayed in the hug.
You felt a pair of lips on your forehead and you giggled. You dork.

Big Time skip brought to you by: Food

Hiruma POV

I had the best day ever! I got to do a lot of stuff with Y/N today. The food was great to!

But during our walk home.....

( I told you I was gonna put him in the story )

This dog just rushed up outta no where. It's eyes screamed danger and his fangs were popping out.

When I looked at Y/N she seemed unfazed.
" Surprising "

( What's not surprising? How much you could save with Geico on car insurance 😂)

Y/N slowly walked up the the dog. The closer she got, the more growling he would do.

Y/N then got down on one knee and put her hand in front of the dogs nose.

The dog seemed hesitant but sniffed her nose. The dog then looked up at her and walked into her arms.

I can't lie, that was adorable. When Y/N walked up to me with the dog, the dog growled at me.

" You need to get the dog to sniff you" Y/N said and I nodded attentively.

I did the same thing Y/N did and the dog jumped into my arms.

" Lets name him Cerberus " I said as a big signature grin displayed across my face.

" I haven't seen that in a while " Y/N rolled her eyes.

On our way home we went to the pet store to get some stuff. Including a dog bath because Cerberus was not getting in my bathtub.

I paid this time because Y/N spent money on a majority of my day.

We walked out of the pet store and walked home.

Home wasn't that far so we just walked for about 5 minutes.

When we got home we set up all the pet stuff, gave Cerberus a bath, and flopped on our bed.

We were very tired. Including Cerberus. He was sleeping peacefully on his bed and so were me and Y/N. This truly was...

.........The Best Birthday Ever......

A/N - How was this chapter? I think it was great because I put Cerberus in the story!

Hiruma: Yeah finally, you took forever!

Cerberus: *BARK!*

Author: Okay Hiruma and CERBERUS don't rub it in!

Hiruma: Sorry.....

Cerberus: ...... *whimpers*

Author: It's okay? My feelings aren't hurt. It's really just yours now. *pats Hiruma and Cerberus on the head*

Author and Hiruma: PEACE OUT READERS!✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌

Cerberus: Bark!

Author: So your just gonna say my line when you know I'm gonna say it?

Hiruma: Yup

Author: 😓

Author: I guess I can except that...

Hiruma: You better...

Author: *Gets mad and chases Hiruma with his AK-27*

Cerberus: *Walks off the set*

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