Happily Ever After🤵👰

Start from the beginning

"I love you too bangaram" he hugs her tightly while even his eyes starts tearing, this is the moment he waited from many years, to take her into his arms and never let go.

His phone rings disturbing their special moment. He picks the call "Didn't I tell you don't call me until I call you back?"
"What?? How is this possible? We disguised ourselves"

"OK. OK.. I'll call Pramod" he disconnects the call

"What happened?" she asks him

"Media got to know that we're together somewhere"

She worries and bites her lip

"Nothing to worry bangaram. They don't know the location. Just few people recognised us in the multiplex separately and thought we were together. I'll call Pramod and ask him to come before media reaches" he assures her.

She nods her head.

He dials Pramod's number.
"Hello Pramod, come to Exotica immediately" before Pramod could answer, he adds "Ha and don't forget to bring 10-15 bodyguards with you"

"Exotica? Bodyguards? But why annaya?" a worried Pramod asks leaving the plate infront of him and rushing to washbasin.

"You always want to be Lakshman and protect Sri Ram and Sitamma from Ravana and Surpanakha right? Now it's time for that dream, to save your Anna-Vadina from media"  he replied

"You always want to be Lakshman and protect Sri Ram and Sitamma from Ravana and Surpanakha right? Now it's time for that dream, to save your Anna-Vadina from media"  he replied

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"I'm not understanding a word, what are you speaking annaya?  Anyways I'll be there in 30 minutes. Till then you and vadina don't go out." he cuts the call
"We have more 30 minutes of privacy bangaram." he smiles and she blushes

"Pabsu tell me one thing.. Was it easy for you to convince my family?"

He smiles. "to convince your family was easy.. But your brother" he hits his forhead

"Guna?" she asks laughing

"Even I was feared of Guna.. But he didn't have any objections. Its your Rana brother who became Bhalla in real" he looks up

He gets more annoyed seeing her laughing continously.
"Wha..what h... He.. Did?" she managed to ask
He starts narrating

Prabhas visits Shetty's place in Banglore and greets everyone.

"Uncle, Aunty and my real Bavas, I know you all love your princess.. I mean Sweety a lot." he moves to a far distance "What I want to ask is, can I marry her? Only if you all agree.. I didn't ask her too as I know she loves me and her final decision would be yours. So I thought of asking you..? I really love her so much, I really do uncle" they all remain silent

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