I walked over to them and they both gave me a big hug.

Amir-We missed u Bri.

Me-I missed y'all too.

They grabbed my bags and then we went out and got in the car.

When we got to the house, I jumped out the car and ran in.

I went straight to the kitchen where my mom and dad was. I know she's technically my stepmother but but to me, she's just my mom.

Me-Ma, dad!

I jumped in my dads arms and hugged him.

Dad-I missed u so much baby girl.

Me-I missed u too daddy.

I got down and then went over to my mama.

She hugged me.

Mama-I missed u baby girl.

Me-I missed u too mama.

Mama-So how have u been down there in Miami?

Me-I been doing good.

Mama-U still seeing the same guy?

My dad looked at me.

Me-Yes I am.

Dad-He treating u good?

Me-Yes dad. He is amazing. He's sweet and caring and I love him.

Mama-U love him?

Me-Yes. I think he might be the one that I marry one day.

Dad-As long as he treats u right and makes u happy, he's ok with me. But if he ever hurts u, imma kill him.

Me-I know u will dad.

I looked around.

Me-Where my sisters?

Mama-They're upstairs in Aniyah's room.

I nod and then head upstairs.

I get to Aniyah's room and when I walk in, these two lil girls are in here twerking.

Me-Y'all better be glad that it was me who came in here and not mom or dad.

They looked over at me.


They both ran over and jumped on me.

Aniyah-We missed u big sis.

Me-I miss y'all so much too. How is school going for y'all?

Amaria-School's been good for me.

I look at Aniyah who ain't say nothing.


Aniyah-Its ok. Just this one teacher who keeps trying to give me bs detentions that I'm not serving.

Me-Have u told mom and dad?


Me-And why not?

Aniyah-Because if they go to talk to him, they might end up running into my counselor and my grades been slipping a little bit.

Me-Well look. If u work on bringing your grades up to all A's and B's, I will take y'all to school tomorrow and go talk to that teacher myself ok?


Me-Alright. So now, I'm going to go to my room and take a nap. One of y'all come get me when everyone else gets here.

His Unknown DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now