Chapter 26: "You Are Doing It Again"

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"I'm still not happy with this.. whatever this is" Charity motioned between myself and Joe. She had told me that she'd visit me this afternoon, it was 10am so obviously I hadn't kicked Joe out yet so now we are both sat here listening to Mum's long lecture oh how much she disproves.

"Will anyone ever be" I groan as I refer to Dad, and pretty much the rest of my family apart from Debs and Chas. Joe just sat in the chair on the other side of me looking down slightly.

"No. Because of what he did" Charity said with a 'duh' tone as if I was oblivious.

"That's the past mum. He's not like that anymore, would I still be with him if was anything like he used to be" I state, it bothering we are talking about him like he wasn't in the room.

"What is it with people talking like I'm not he-'' Joe starts but gets off by Charity.

"He's sly Ken. Have you no idea what he put all of through" Joe groaned throwing his arms up in frustration giving up.

"Mum. Give him a chance, he's changed" I say quietly, all I wanted was for people to forgive him, I wanted to be able to have dinner together with my parents every now and again, how were we supposed to do that when neither of them trusted or even liked him. Charity went to say something, when She spotted Vanessa and Harriet walk past the door before she quickly walked out following behind them.

"Honestly, what is it with people always talking like I'm not present" Joe said frustrated. I just shrugged.

"This is stressing me out" I cover my face with my hands "how can we ever do anything? You, me, mum and dad? When none of you get along?"

"Hey" he grabbed my hand rubbing the back of it with his thumb "they'll come around, maybe not right now but I'm sure they will" he gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I hope so" I squeezed his hand and both of out eyes went to the door when we heard it click open.

"How are you" Graham asks, blank faced as normal.

"Good thank you Graham" I smile at his, which he returns.

"I came to get Joe, go home for a little bit. Get a shower and some proper food then come back later? Give her some time" Graham spoke Joe looked at me as if he was waiting for me to tell him what to do.

"Graham's right, get yourself cleaned and fed. Besides, it'll be nice to have some time alone for a bit. Not that I don't enjoy your company" I smiled at him. Joe nodded getting up giving me a quick kiss.

"If you need anything call me okay" he smiles before letting go of my hand and following Graham out the door. I immediately missed his company.


"Careful, I'm still sore" I groaned at mum as she held my waist helping me out the car, she immediately removed her hand off my waist.

"Sorry" she apologised "I still think you should be at home resting, where I can take care of you" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Mum, Joe will look after me just fine" I say not wanting to have an argument, I started walking to the house myself "I'm okay honestly, go home, I'll ring you later okay" mum reluctantly nodded before heading off to work. I pushed open the doors to Home Farm, dropping my bags on the kitchen table. Hearing the impact, Joe rushed into the kitchen, his eyes went wide.

"What the hell babe" he rushed over to me grabbing my hands in his leading me to the sofa where he carefully sat me down. My heart fluttered at the words he said. "Why didn't you call me." He said

"Mum wanted to take me home, I said she could pick me up but that I was coming here, seeming as this is my home now" I smiled at Joe he smiled back, wrapping an arm around my shoulders carefully pulling me into his side. He ran his free hand across my cheek.

"Has Ross spoke to you yet." He questioned, ruining the mood.

"No" I say bluntly "I don't want to see him right now, it'll just remind me of everything. There's things I don't want to remember" I shook my head hoping he'd take that as I didn't want to talk about it any further. Luckily, he's big mouth decided to stay shut, not pushing me any further, or so I thought.

"You'll have to speak about it sooner or later" the look in his face showed he regretted what just came out of his mouth. I pushed his arm off my shoulders as I stood up, wincing at the pain.

"You a doing it again" I raised my voice, he stood up grabbing my hands. I pulled them out of his grips.

"I'm sorry" he said over and over.

"You said you'd stop! I don't want to talk about it Joe so stop stalking about it!"i yell before storming upstairs.

"Great" Joe shouts sitting back in the cover putting his head in his hands.

"You have a great habit of ruining things don't you" Graham came into the room, speaking in monotone with a straight face.

"Yes. Thank you Graham" Joe said sarcastically, getting up.

"Don't" Graham spoke "let her cool off, if you go up now, I promise you'll get into another fight" Joe rolled his eyes sitting back down.

"Why do I mess everything up" he said to himself

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