"Well, after your father got off the plane and got in the car after the whole... incident.... In Afghanistan, the first thing he said was that he didn't want to go to the hospital, he wanted to get an 'American cheeseburger' and to hold a press conference, we got to Burger King and he ordered like eight cheeseburgers," Pepper explained.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing," Tony said, feigning offence.

"Well you did eat all eight of them during the twenty minute drive from Burger King to the press conference,"

When they arrived home, after grabbing Burger King, Samantha rushed off to what was now her bedroom and dropped three boxes of stuff and her guitar in her room and rushed out to the living room. She heard talking to what seemed to be air and the 'air' replying with the words 'Yes sir,'

"Holy mother of god, the air talks in this place?" she exclaimed out of sheer shock.

"Actually this is Jarvis, he pretty much does everything around here, like housekeeping and a couple of other things," Tony explained to her, turning around to see her standing rigid in place.

"Okay," she managed after a couple of moments.

Pepper had been stood in the kitchen during the entire exchange and shouted "It takes a bit of getting used to," before walking towards both of them "What does everyone want for dinner?"

"Uhh Pepper about dinner..." Tony said nervously.

"Tony what did you do?" came Pepper's reproachful reply whilst Samantha had to prevent herself from giggling.

"Ummm Steve, Nat, Bruce and Clint might be turning up," he said, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"So... takeout?" Samantha suggested.

"Yup you two are definitely related," Pepper joked.

"Like you needed any more proof," Tony joked before Samantha made the decision to retreat to her room.

Once in the bedroom that had been claimed as hers, Samantha decided to ask Jarvis a question "Jarvis do you have any files on these friends of Tony's that'll be round for dinner?"

"I certainly do Miss Montgomery, may I ask why?"

"I would like for you to bring them up so that I'm at least a little prepared for this dinner thing," she explained.

"Okay Miss Montgomery,"

"And please can you call me Samantha, my mom was Miss Montgomery," she said politely but with a hint of sadness in her tone.

"Certainly Samantha,"

The files were brought up around her and Samantha began to stare at what had appeared around her before questioning "Hey Jarvis, how do I see what is in these files?"

"Like you would an iPhone or other touchscreen phone,"

"Okay thank you," she said and began to read the files in alphabetical order beginning with Dr Bruce Banner.

Name: Dr Bruce Banner

Occupation: Doctor/Scientist

Other Names: The Hulk, Brucie, Banner

Nationality: American

Age: 39

Description: After a gamma radiation experiment went wrong, Dr Banner was left with a mutation which turns him into a giant, green, supposedly uncontrollable rage monster known as the Hulk. He chooses to live in seclusion and until he was recruited for the Avengers Initiative by Nick Fury lived in India. Now lives in Stark Tower in New York City, working on chemistry stuff.

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