Kirk snickered. Between his sister and his wife, he'd seen the kind of excessive planning some women did for weddings. I wonder how she'll handle the fact that everything is planned? Guess she's used to that. 'Don't forget to turn on your seat heater, Sofia.' He turned his attention to the road, as Sofia processed her time at school.

Who am I going to see? Happy, triumphant Sofia or upset Sofia? Hope it's the first one, Prince mused, rocking back in the desk chair of his simple, understated upstairs office. He was pleased with his efficient team; the only items left on the massive list were things only Sofia could do for Sofia; her dress, her veil, and her flowers. The rest was finished.

Only two more weeks, and we're husband and wife. What Jehovah has joined together-his thoughts were interrupted as he noticed the gate open at the entrance to Paisley, admitting the familiar black SUV. He was glad to see the gate close again. Kirk had called and clued him in to the situation Sofia had to endure. A couple of phone calls had taken care of that mess, with some nice fines for the reporters regarding harassing children on school property. Time to focus on the future.

Sofia entered, brave smile in place, but Prince could see the tension in her eyes. He hustled over, helping her out of her coat, giving her a soft, comforting kiss on her temple. 'Hello, beautiful!' He made sure his shining, confident eyes met hers, willing her to reflect that confidence in her still troubled eyes. 'Kirk said this morning was a little rough,' he remarked, pulling away, placing her coat on the other desk chair. 'How did it go once you met with Mrs. Watts?'

He led her over to the black sectional sofa by the upright piano and sat down with her, putting an arm around her shoulders. His fingers toyed with a stray curl after he shifted slightly so he could continue to feed love into her soul with his eyes as they talked.

'Not as I expected. The school district felt the media coverage we received resulted in too many negative phone calls, so I'm 'under investigation,'" she replied, her fingers creating air quotes for the final words of her sentence. 'HR sent someone there to make sure my principal relayed the message exactly as they desired. I did get a smile out of Mrs. Watts when I told her we were engaged. I'd like her to be at the wedding; she's always been a supporter to me.'

'That sounds fine. But the response from the board makes me mad. I could withdraw the grants in protest.' Prince looked thoughtful. Then the smirk occurred. 'They wouldn't mess with you after that!' His Jamie Starr voice took over.

She giggled. 'Please don't-those kids need what that money can do for them.' Prince saw the tension leave her shoulders and eyes. Mission accomplished.

'Fine. But just this once. Think of it as an early wedding present.' His tone stayed playful, but his eyes were serious. 'Now! Let's finalize this wedding! Have you chosen a dress?'

'No and I'm not going to without Auntie Vi. I need to call her right now, if that's okay.'

'Of course! Do you need me to leave?' He stood, leading her to the desk, seating her in his chair. One finger stroked her jawline, and she quickly turned her head, playfully catching it with her teeth. Letting it go, she demurred.

'No, stay. I want you to hear her. She's amazing! Let's put her on speaker.' He propped himself on the desk while she dialed the number.

The phone rang 3 times, then a weak sounding voice came from the speaker. 'Hello?'

'Auntie Vi? Are you okay? It's Sofia. Do I need to come help you?'

Strong laughter reached her ears, making Sofia smile. 'Aw, sweetie! How's my favorite niece?'

'Auntie Vi, what are you up to?' Sofia questioned through her giggles.

'The phone said unknown, so I thought it was some telemarketer. Giggin' 'em is one of my hobbies these days.' Auntie Vi chuckled. 'What are you doin' callin' me in the morning on a school day? Who is mindin' those little darlin's?'

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