Chapter 1: Why me...

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"I DONT WANT TO LEAVE!!!" I screamed at my mothers young and beautiful face as I watched her throw the suit-case onto my bed acting as if what I just said was completely oblivious. "Don't leave anything behind, there no coming back to get it once we leave." She kissed my forehead as she went to leave my room with the patience of a saint. I never understood the I never understood my father and his cruel and sadistically twisted mind. I shook my head diminishing the thoughts and memories of my past as I ripped open the suit-case stuffing clothes surprisingly neat into it as I murmur and growl to myself angrily.

Minutes later I hear the sound of my phone destroy the dull aura shadowing along with silence in my room. As I walk across the room I can't help but smile and bob my head to beat as I hear 'Not The American Average' play. I put the phone to my ear and frown having to stop the song but soon seconds later I find myself smiling as I listen to the voice of my dearest friend ring through my ears like a soothing melody.

"HEY ALEX!!!!" A young male in his late teens says merrily through to me. "Hey Leon...Yet again you've proven yourself to have the most perfect timing to call." I chuckle slightly. "Damn right I do and don't you forget it...what's up?" I sigh and think to myself, well here goes nothing...I have to tell him now. "Leon, you remember how I told you at school that mum and dad were making us move town?" "Yeah?...Why?" "Well...we are kinda moving country as well..." I hear complete and utter awkward silence for a few moments. "Leon?" Through the phone I hear my best friend I have had since kindergarden who never cries...actually...cry...

I sight heavily and run my fingers through my hair. "Leon come's not that bad, fair enough we are moving half way across the world," I hear a small whimper and i find myself unable to resist feeling like crying knowing he is upset "but it's not like we are never going to talk again." I still listen through the phone sitting on the edge of the bed as Leon tries to pull himself together. "Just promise me one thing okay?" I hear him come out of his shell and say almost timidly "Anything" "Don't f-forget about me...okay?" he says sounding almost as if he was about to have an emotional break down. "Never in a million years." Although I can't see it, I sense in the way he breathes he feels relieved and I sense a smile spread across his face just before he hangs up. I smile seeing the backdrops change and shift on my phone as i put it on my lap. Each one illuminating all my fear, anger and sadness just with simple pictures of him and I.

~I case chus were wondering what Alex looks like, im presenting Ledamonsterbunny to ya!!! c:

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