Mating season~ Natsu

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You were at the guild talking to Gramps about a mission and suddenly Gray knocked you off your chair and you fell into Natsu's arms. You immediately blushed a deep shade of red.





"SHUT YOUR MOUTH GAJEELL YOU SHOULDN'T BE TALKING YOU DON'T HAVE ANY EYEBROWS JUST METAL IN PLACE WHERE YOUR EYEBROWS SHOULD BE!!" You shot back your face flushed with embarrassment. All this teasing made me want to crawl into a hole and die. I got up and ran to my apartment without looking back even though I heard footsteps behind me. I unlocked the door as fast as I could and slammed the door shut and locked it. You could hear someone pounding at your door and you hid in your room as Natsu busted into your house. " Y/n where are you?" Natsu said in a sing song voice.
You giggle as you're under your bed. He pulled you out from under the bed as you squeaked. You could tell it was mating season and his eyes were full of lust. You two had some fun and the next day when you walked into the guild everyone was suspicious of the scarf you were wearing in the middle of summer because it wasn't normal for you. You were questioned by your best friend Laxus and you finally told him about how you and Natsu had had sex the previous few days. The next few weeks everything at the guild calmed down and Natsu and Gray were fighting AGAIN. You were sitting at the bar watching as your pink haired boyfriend and the raven haired ice mage were screaming insults at each other and couldn't help but laugh. You went back to talking to Mira for a few hours and everything was great. You felt two arms wrap around your waist and you gasped as Natsu chuckled. "Come on gorgeous let's go home." He whispered into your ear. You blushed as he thew you over his shoulder and ran home. When you two finally got back to the apartment you were embarrassed because while Natsu ran men on the street were trying to look up your skirt. Pervs. You made dinner which was basically a whole buffet because Natsu ate a lot. You made fish for happy, Chicken legs, potatoes, crab cakes, sushi, and cake for you and Natsu. Natsu went to gobbling up more than half the dinner and then flopped over in his chair not leaving any cake for you. You were mad by this and smacked him upside the head. "Owwwwwwwwwww why'd you do that Y/n?" Natsu whined. Happy was munching away on fish as you glared at Natsu as he was dumbfounded. You pout and walk away flopping on the couch as Natsu followed and flopped on top of you. "Ewwwww Get off loser." You teased and he playfully glared. You two fell asleep and didn't wake up until noon the next day. When you woke up you heard what sounded like giggling? You open your eyes and look up to see Gray, Lucy, Happy, Elfman, and Laxus. You knew Laxus let them in because he has a key to your house. You slapped Natsu and Natsu grumbled and rolled over. "Soooooooo Y/n when's the wedding?" Laxus asks smirking You sigh as you push Natsu off of you and get up to look up at Laxus with an angry look on your face and he just laughed because you looked like an angry child. You shooed them out of your apartment and took a long relaxing bath. A few months later you were talking to Master about some upcoming missions when Natsu walked up tp you with a sad look on his face. "Y-Y/n I'm going to the s class trials and will be gone for 7 months." He said as he looked down sadly. Your eyes filled with tears as you hugged and kissed him. The day Natsu left dreadfully came and before you left you gave him a tight hug and a kiss. You were crying into his shoulder but let go and looked up at him and smiled. "Be safe you big dummy." You said "I will I promise babe." Natsu said holding back the tears.

Timeskip to when he gets back brought to you by a lazy author!~

Natsu burst through the doors of the guild and looked around for you but you were no where to be found. " Lucy where is Y/n?" Natsu asked confused " Didn't you hear what happened Natsu?" Lucy asked sorrowfully : W-What happened to her Lucy?" Natsu asked nervously " S-She got hit by a car the day that you left and has been in a coma ever since." Lucy replied crying. " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Natsu screamed in agony. Natsu went to visit you and the moment he started talking you woke up from the 7 month coma. Natsu was at a loss for words and hugged you and kissed you. You giggled and kissed back. A few weeks later Natsu asked you to marry him and you of course say yes. The wedding was beautiful and you looked beautiful. The after party was fun and by the time it ended you were tired. You felt so lucky to be married to Natsu as a life partner.

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