The Best Summer of My Life... apparently

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      "ZOEYYY! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!" Gotta love older brothers, right? That was the first thing I heard when I woke up the day I left for the "best summer trip of my life". Well, that's what my entire family decided to call it. Do all "best summers" begin with scrambling around your bedroom at 6:45 AM looking for a dozen things you meant to pack the night before? Because mine did. I frantically rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and threw the toothbrush in my suitcase, then did the same with all of my other bathroom necessities.

        "WE'RE LEAVING IN 5 MINUTES!" My mother shouted through the house. No time for makeup, oh well. I just threw my hair into a messy bun sorta thing and put on a pair of leggings, a hoodie, and vans. Let's be real, it's not like I had anyone to impress. I grabbed my suitcase, slung my backpack over my shoulder and ran downstairs. 

        My mom was packing last minute snacks into a bag in the kitchen. 

        "Zoey, I thought I told you to set an alarm last night. How late were you up?" Uhh.. Maybe like... 3 ish? Not like she needed to know that.

        "No, mom, I did, I think my alarm clock got unplugged or something." Sure. Let's go with that. "Why are we leaving so early anyways? I didn't think we had to be there before the sun rises." I said sarcastically. 

        "Well, you know your dad and I like to get there relatively early. But we also have other places to go before the house..." She rambled off.

        "Like where? What 'other places' require you to be there at these inhuman hours?”

            “Don’t be so loud Zoey, you’ll wake your sister up,”

            “Well isn’t she lucky to be asleep! Now would you hurry up and tell me where we’re going so I can—”

            “We’re going to Alex’s house, stupid. Where else?” My brother Logan obnoxiously announced as he walked into the kitchen. “You guys ready? I’m tired of waiting and bored as hell.” (My mom winced when he cursed. Typical mom.)

“What?! Since when is Alex going with us?”

“Um… since we planned the trip?” Logan replied.

“I can’t believe this! Why didn’t anyone tell me?!” I shouted, probably a little too loud because my sister Alice woke up crying. Great, a crying baby and two annoying teenage boys to accompany me on the “best summer of my life”. Alex is my brothers best friend, and I’ve known the kid since I was like twelve.

“Maybe because we all know you’d yell at us for inviting him! Grow up and get over it Zoey!" My mom yelled back at me.

I sighed. My dad told us to put our stuff in the car, indicating it was time for us to leave.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the best summer of my life began, approximately 15 minutes ago.

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