"If you want to hang out with me, you only have to ask," she said, going to the refrigerator.

"Really?" He sounded hopeful.


"Sophia will be here in a few hours to meet Professor Saltzman. If you are free in the afternoon, would you show me around the house?"

Caroline wasn't free. She was supposed to teach a class but decided to cancel it. The kids would be happy to use the time to play and she could spend the time with Adrian. She felt a rush of happiness as she realized Adrian had been the one to initiate a non-official date. Closing the refrigerator door, she faced him. "I'll give you a tour."

"Great," he said.

The eggs and sausages were soon cooked and placed before Adrian. Caroline sat opposite to him as he ate. In her mind, she was relishing the moment. Even though she got married to Stefan, she never had the chance to spend a single day on their marriage. Everything had happened too fast with Katherine spoiling everything.

The buzzing of her cell phone jerked Caroline out of her thoughts. To her surprise, Bonnie was calling her.

"Hey, Bonnie!" Caroline gushed into the phone. "Are you here yet?"

"I am home," said Bonnie happily. "I am completely exhausted though. I will give you another call when I have finished taking the biggest nap ever."

"There's so much we have to tell you," said Caroline, glancing at Adrian.

Bonnie chuckled. "After my nap."

"Fine!" huffed Caroline. After a second, she said, "I missed you."

"Same here. I'll see you soon."

Caroline put down the phone. Adrian looked at her curiously. "Who was that?"

"That was Bonnie. She's one of my best friends."

"She's a girl?" he asked cautiously.

Caroline nodded. The instant relief in his face was so cute, she wanted to rush towards him and hug him.

"So what are you up to now?" asked Adrian.

"I have to start on making lunches for the kids," said Caroline. "Home-cooked meals are the best for them and this way, I get to make sure they are getting proper nutrition."

"I will hang out in the library until Sophia comes to meet the professor. You can find me there. How about we exchange numbers?"


After they exchanged numbers, Adrian stood up and took his empty plate to the sink. He washed it before turning back to Caroline. "Thanks for the breakfast. See you soon."

Caroline was left by herself in the kitchen. She wished to go and see Bonnie but knew her friend needed her rest after a long flight home. With a sigh, she began prepping for lunch.


It was late in the afternoon when Caroline's phone buzzed. She had become so busy with attending to one of the girls who had scraped her knee that she'd completely forgot about her meeting with Adrian. Her class was canceled but the seven-year-old psychic witch had to be soothed. Her pain and confusion often caused her to lose control of her powers, affecting the people around her. It had been important to calm her before she could think of anything.

Taking her phone out, she saw Adrian was calling her.

"Hey. What's up?" she asked.

"I waited for you in the library but that doesn't matter. Sophia is here. I would like you to see her and tell me whether she doesn't look a younger clone of your doctor friend. The professor will be here soon too."

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