The Bully's Secret Hook Up

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With the cold metal skimming beneath Tom's finger tips, he slammed the locker door shut, as it echoed across the halls of the school.

"Hey Loser," said Zendaya while approaching Tom from behind. He gulped nervouly, and slowly turned around to face is bully.

Yeah that's right. Bully.

For months Zendaya and her two bestfriends Darnell and Laura have been bullying Tom. It wasn't major, mostly comments here and there and a little shove quite sometimes. But it still made him feel week. Helpless at times.

Tom was a little shorter than most guys his age and being a huge nerd made it worse.

In highschool he had no reputation. He was labeled as the smartest person in school, aka the biggest nerd there. He had people he'd talk to from times but never had any real friends.

Though having Zendaya has his bully was different, it was different than any cliche movie with the bully trying to completely destory their pretador's life.

Because in this situation he bully and his have been hooking up.

Tom rolled his eyes, "What do you want Zendaya," he asked.

He was never the type to roll his eyes in front of Zendaya and her friends, but lately this act has been put up way to long and he'd had enough.

"Bold move to roll your eyes weirdo," Laura commented smugly.

"Z your going to let him get away with that?" Darnell spoke up in disgust.

Zendaya was taken back but continue to put up a show. Like she's been doing for the past months.

Since the party 'incident'

She gave Tom a evil smirk, taking a step closer towards him. Cornering him agaisnt the lockers.

"Do you have any respect nerd?" she said giving him a disgusted looked, this caused everyones eyes to look there way, "Actually, let me teach you a lesson to never roll your eyes at me again!"

Snatching Darnell's pink slushie from the gasp of his hands she 'accidentally' spilled the pink drink on top of Tom's shirt.

He gasped as the liquid made in contact with his favorite marvel shirt. The drink leaving a huge pink blob on the shirt.

She gave him a innocent fake smirk, "Whoops,"

Though on the inside Zendaya felt bad, obviously she didn't mean any of it. She quite liked Tom. Sometimes she didnt understood why she went to desperate measures to continue to torture him.

Soon the halls was erupt with laughter, fingers being pointed at him as he stood frozen in shock.

His cheeks turn red in anger, blood boiling. He couldn't take this anymore.

Suddenly the sound of the bell rung signaling everyone to leave to there next class.

He was once again going to be late to class. Good thing he was  always prepared and brought extra t-shirts in his book bag.

Angerily Tom turned away from them and headed towards the bathroom to clean up, but not before hearing Zendaya telling she'll catch up with her friends later.

Entering into the empty boys bathroom, Tom quickly removed his sticky shirt from above his head.

The sound of the door opening  then caught his attention. Completely removing the shirt he turned to spot Zendaya standing by the door.

"What do you want?" he asked her bitterly, turning away to grab another shirt from his book bag.

The sound her steps came closer.

But before he could put on a clean shirt the unexpected happened.

With a sudden shock, Tom felt a tugged as Zendaya gripped his arm and smashed her lips onto his. She roughly pushed him agaisnt the wall, taking her right hand on his face to guide his lips.

Immediately Tom responded, gripping her waist, while pulling her body closer and kissing her back. His body was numb agaisnt hers, eletrifying sparks tingling over his body. 

Zendaya placed a hand on the center of Toms exposed chest, trailing down to the top of his pants, urging to take a step further. The bulge through his pants did no justice.

Every time he would cave in to her touches, her lips. It was like he craved her no matter what. And he couldn't get enough.

She was quite ravishing. He thought.

Slowly her hand began to fumble on his zipper but he stopped her in the process. Pulling away from the heated kiss he shook his head.

"No, I can't do this," said Tom creating a gap between the two.

She pouted her lips, "Why not? It's no different from before." She giggled trying to grab his arm. But he manage to move it away before she could.

"No Zendaya, I mean us. I can't do this anymore," he gestured between them.

Zendaya heart shattered, her body freezing in place. Of course he was talking about this. There endlessly secret hook ups.

For months they had been secretly hooking up. But with Tom being a nerd and Zendaya, the most popular person in school they were scared, scared of what people would think if they had dated.

But over the months Tom had gotten the courage to tell Zendaya upfront about thinking of going public, about the both of them. Though she disagreed.

"Tom, please give me time to—"

"I can't," he irrupted, sadness filling his eyes.

Deep down he didn't want it stop but just last week he manage to realize something, something he should have realized weeks ago.

That he was in love with her.

Though he was afraid of telling her. This whole situation have started out wrong. And he didn't want to get into deep.

To bad he already has.

Zendaya frowned, tears filling the brinks of her eyes, "Okay, if that's what you want," she said sadly.

She didn't want to stop seeing Tom either. It hurt her to stop seeing him. But she wanted to respect his choice.

It was my fault, she thought to herself.

Hearing him say those words made her realize, she should have agreed to it. Them seeing each other in public. But she was so focused of her reputation and problems she didn't expect to see if Tom was hurting.

Tom looked up meeting her eyes, "Okay," he replied.

Zendsys gave him a cort nod. This was it, this was the last time she would get to spend alone with him. Be near him, feel his touches against her skin.

This would be the last, so without thinking she grabbed him, pulling him near her and smashed her lips upon his one last time.

This would be the last time she would get to kiss those lips.

Not noticing the sound of the door opening, someone stepped in.

"Holy fuck!—"

This is trash but whatever.

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