[0.3] love.

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You knew you shouldn't be so scared to tell him but you were.

What is he gonna say?

Will he start to treat you differently?

Is he going to judge you?

Is he going to end everything between us?

The constant questioning had been keeping you up for days.

But of course none of those things would happen! This is Harry we're talking about. Harry would never laugh at you or make you feel rejected over something so important.

So why were you so scared to tell Harry about you being ((your sexuality/gender)).

Harry's your bestfriend of 3+ years now, you should be able to tell him this. But your nerves are on overdrive and you can't help but worry that there may be a negative outcome.

Harry is one of the most loving and accepting people you know, he'd never stop caring for you just because of your sexuality/gender! Your conscious pointed out, making you nod your head in agreement.

"Okay I can do this. I can do this. You'll be okay." You mumbled as you weaved your way through the endless hallways.

Your palms felt sweaty and you could feel your heart wanting to burst out of your chest, "Everything will be okay." You mentally noted.

Suddenly your at his suite's door, knocking four times slowly to let him know it was a member of his crew or team and hearing his low voice tell you to come in.

As you peaked in through the door, you sigh in relief as you noticed he's alone.

Perfect. You happily thought.

He was sitting on the couch, scrolling down whatever app he was on as you walked towards him.

"Hey love. Haven't seen you in hours where'd you run off to?" He asked as he put his phone down on the coffee table in front of him before turning to you to give you his full attention.

"I was just in my suite. Thinking...Hey, uh Haz, can...can I talk to you?...I, uh, need to tell you something." You nervously whispered as you tried to keep straight eye contact but failed.

You nervously messed with your chipped nail polish as your hands grew visibly shaky.

"You can tell me anything, love." Harry soothingly spoke as he reached for your hands and held them.

"I'm...I...uh, I..." You began but were cut short from your eyes growing watery. "Oh God, I didn't think it'd be this hard to tell you. If I could stop crying that'd be great but I'm terrified right now." You scolded yourself as you plopped down on the couch next to him.

He didn't say anything he simply shook his head with a small encouraging grin, rubbing the back of your hands with his thumbs in comfort.

After a few deep breaths, you took a final deep breath and said it, "Haz, I wanted to finally tell you...that..."

"I'm ((your sexuality/gender))." You quietly told him, wanting to wait for his immediate reaction but instead became a rambling mess, "And I really hope you won't start to treat me differently because of it. I hope we can still be bestfriends and that our relationship won't end because I'm sorry but I'd be completely devastated to know that I lost—"

Suddenly, Harry releases one of your hands and puts his index finger on your lips to shush you.

"I need you to listen to e'ry word I'm about to say. Okay?" He said earning a nod from you and removing his finger from your lips, "I loved you before you told me this and I'll love you after. You coming out to me as ((your sexuality/gender)) literally has no negative effect on our relationship whatsoever. If anything, thank you for sharing this with me. I'm proud of you for coming out because I know it's not easy. And I know that not everyone is as accepting so just remember that I love who you are and nothing's ever gonna change that babe. I love you...Now hug me already." He tearfully laughs as you hastily wrapped your arms around his neck to hug him.

"Oh, thank you Harry. I love you so so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." You cried as you gently squeezed him tight.

"I love you too, always babe...always." He whispers as he quickly pecks your temple. "Hey so does this mean we get to go to PRIDE this year?!" He asked rather excitedly.

You pulled away and wiped your tears as you chuckled, "Yeah, I mean if you want to that'd be really fun."

And in an instant Harry started to go on about your plans and scheduling around the event that he said he'd make his mission to get you to one way or another despite his busy lifestyle. It made you so appreciative to have such an accepting friend who loved you and wanted nothing but the best for you. You knew that not everyone who comes out receives the same love or acceptance as you have, and for that you were immensely grateful.

"Love you Haz." You grinned as you glanced at him.

"Love you too." He replied with his signature dimples and cupcake smile.

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Sorry I'm late but:
♡To everyone in the LGBTQ+ community.♡
♡To those who still question their sexuality.♡
♡To those who still question their gender.♡
♡To those who are still in the closet.♡
♡To those who are out.♡
♡To the allies at pride that offer their support.♡
I hope you enjoyed this new imagine because I definitely enjoyed writing it. Please remember to spread love today and every single day lovelies!!
♡ ♡ ♡

-lilharrie, xx

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