PiaPie~ DA nEwBiE in town

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    h0i ! ! ! I'm tEMMIE ! ! ! FOOB ¡
....................... Undertale reference.......No? Oookehh
(On to the actual introduction)
Ehhhh, what am i suppose to do here? Guess imma just read this script given to me by a mysterious, black, hazy figure who disappeared just now..

My real name is Pia, altho my friends call me Pia, then again my family calls me by the name of Pia, but i guesssss you guys can call me Pia.

(Gets closer to script while adjusting old lady glasses)
Okieee nowww describing moi...

I guess my personality is kinda like a switch that i  can turn on and off when i feel like it. I can either be a bouncy, energetic, potatoh
Fangirl who would do anything to make my ship canon or i can be a lazy, down to earth CouchPotato who just wants to stay under the blankets watching shane dawson and musical soundtracks all day.

I FRIGGIN LOVE MY FRIENDS. I love seeing them happy, which is why i have weird humor to make them laugh at my utter stoopidness. I try to make friends..... but it just take to much energyyy and you have to go to the outternet. Alshoo i love having mental images of beating up peeps who try to hurt my friends in any way, ya know, cuz im such a huge innocent fluffball 😇

Unlike you guyz, with your grade A++++ english skillz, i don't try to make creative stories cuz my mind is a black void that can't take any kind of information without forgetting it immediately, explaining my bad grammar 100000% of the time.

I kinda shy away from dirty jokes and bad words cuz it would ride on my conscience for lyfu and i would need to bathe in holy water everyday and scrub my self with my "demon-away" loofah.

I am a recent basketball fan (GO GSW) but don't get me wrong, cannot and will not play any sports cuz fun fact, i have an irrational fear of all kinds of balls cuz one time, in like grade 1, a teacher hit me in the face with one (DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE ;-;) and now i think all balls are devils out to get me.

HARDCORE SHIPPER, thanks to the influence of cliche animu plots and cute harem mangas, i ship, some would say a little to much, people in fictional worlds and in real life.
Altho i have a weird thing where i try to make my shipz irl become an actual couple by all means possible, but then if the guy actually likes my friend back and they in a relationship i start to hate the whole race of men, because i am not okie wit dem trying to steal my friends away or else..THEY WILL.. FEEL THE WRATH.. OF.. awkwurd third wheel _(:3」z).

Okie i guess thats all, i feel like i just wrote a whole essay so.... oh hey my ride's here, whats up mysterious black hazy figure! *waves*
*mysterious black hazy figure waves back*

Okie thanks for reading all of this junk, u deserve a nawt real cookie 🍪.
I hope to get to know you guyz a bit better in the future and please accept me wattpad shenpaiiizz.

I shall now take my leave *bows down 90 degrees*

*walks away to mysterious black hazy figure*
"So where to my dood? Mcdonalds? YESH!"

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