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" UNNIE! "

that yelled wake me up.

" wae! im sleeping, don't disturb me. " i said as i cover my face by the pillow.

" kaja! today is our camping! it's 8:26 and the bus will leave after 9:00! " she whined.

my eyes suddenly open and stood up.

" what! im pack going to pack my things! " i said.

" uh, unnie? why did i have lipstick in my lips? i don't remember that i put lipstick last night. " she asked.


i don't know why am i doing this, but i lean towards her lips.

and she was kissing me back.

i pulled away.

" mianhae. sorry jennie-ah. " i said.

•End Of Flashback•

" u-uhh— " she cut my words.

" did you put lipstick at my lips? " she asked.

" you didn't remember? " i asked.

" remember what? " she asked.

" uh, nothing? " i said.

" unnie! please say to me~ " she begged.

" y-you put that. you can't remember it because you were drunk and i need to pack now! " i run up upstairs.

phew! that was almost.


we're running like crazy in the road heading to school.

the bus was going to leave.

" STOP! " jennie yelled.

the bus just stop and our room teacher peek on the windows.

" kaja! palli! (let's go! hurry!) " ms. yoo yelled.

we run inside the bus and drive again.

i stood in front of my classmate and she point herself.

i nodded as she leave and the other girl beside her, leave too.

i sit and lean my head against the glass window.

someone sit beside me and im not surprised coz it's just Jennie.

she cling into me.


" we already arrived! wake up now guys! " i heard ms. yoo said and my eyes open.

i felt something heavy on my left shoulder and saw jennie, leaning her head into my left shoulder as she was sleeping so soundly.

i examine her face and it's.... so gloomy.

i shook my head and push her head, make her to wake up.

" yah! unnie! why did you do that?... ah it hurts. " she said as she was holding her back neck.

i laughed and the students look at me.

" what are you looking at!? " i yelled at them and they quickly leave inside the bus.

i rolled my eyes at jennie as i leave in the bus.

ms. yoo say to do our tent and pick a partner for tent.

" I'm gonna be your partner! " jennie said.

" yeah yeah. whatever. " i rolled my eyes.

after we all done our tent.

our teacher assembled us. (a/n: low quality englisheu.)

" we're going to have an activity. " ms. yoo said.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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