Chapter 1- Finding The Light And The Fight

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I was driving and everything is going so fast i can’t even think. Everything is going through my head, like why did he do this to me and was it my fault did I not please him did he need more, what if my mind was playing tricks on me. What did I do? What did he just do? Not my sister. I can’t believe this is happening to me! So then as the energy is running high and her heart is so low, she found herself at church her daddy’s church. She walked down to the front pew and fell into the pew, she feel in as if she was a rag doll. She wasn’t crying anymore, but that was just because she had cried all of the water out of her body.  So as she is sitting there in the dark and quiet she just starts to pray. “ God please I need your help I don’t know where to go. What do I do, do I forgive him and live my life or try and walk away from something broken” (cried Lilyana). Then out of nowhere the little old black lady walked in because even tho the churches were segregated my dear sweet mama convinced my daddy that on sunday midday the blacks could come have serves there but that little old lady wasn’t the only one to walk in. Quickly Lilyana wips the tears off her face. Then notices that the little old lady is not alone she has, who she thinks is the lady’s grandson Nobel maybe. Suddenly the young man notice Lilyana at the pew crying and walks down to her.  “ Is there something wrong?” (ask Nobel) “ No I am just fine.” ( says lillyana) “ well it doesn't seem like it. “ ( stated Nobel) “ will you mind your own business.” ( lillyana yells) “ oh my looks like I hit a nerve!” (angrily says Nobel) “will you go away” this is none of your darn business” ( lillyana screams ). “I am sorry I didn’t mean to over step.” (says Nobel) (and as everything and everyone calms down Nobel begins to walk away.) “No, wait . I am sorry I shouldn’t have shaped, I just….” ( Lillyana stops and begins to cry) At this point she didn’t even know this person but she had so much happen that day she begin to tell him everything that happened and how all she could think is how mad she is and how hurt she felt. She felt as if she couldn’t move on or at least she didn’t know how to. They sat there and talked and talked until they noticed the time had ran away it had been hours. She noticed that the little old lady had left . And Nobel turns to her and he notices to. She starts to apologize but he stops her. “Don’t you dare apologize this has been amazing.” And as he stairs in her eye, he sees something he had never seen before that he thought he had found but once he saw her eyes he knew this was the first time he had seen true Beauty. It was the kind his mama told him about when he was little, the kind that just makes u smile. So that's what he did he smiled. And somehow she saw something in him to but it wasn’t beauty it was wild burning Passion. “ I have had an amazing time with u miss but I really must be going.” (Nobel says while lightly blushing) “ Yes me as well.” (urgently stated Lillyana). She stands up brushes off her dress and wipes away the leftover tears. Nobel stands and begins to walk away. For some reason lillyana begin to cry again but for the man who broke her heart but for the man that she was letting walk away. “ wait… what is your grandmother's name?” ( lillyana ask him). And as she looks at him with a smile that met a tear just at the temple of her cheek. “ Her name is Bella.” (Nobel says)  as they both smile and wait for the other to leave but neither one wants to take their eyes away from the other. Finally the little old lady Bella walks in and yell for Nobel so he walks back to Lillyana grabs her hand slowly pushes his lips against her hand and says “until we meet again Mrs Lillyana .” “ until then.”. ( Lillyana says) As a smile runs across her face. He turns away and leaves. And until this moment neither one had realised that he was black and she was white or how sad Lillyana was before he got there and in both of their minds the happiness was over. And they both just left. Leaving Lillyana feeling empty and abandoned inside. As she got back to her daddy’s truck everything hit her and hit her hard. But in that moment she knew what she was going to do. She gets in the truck and drives away. But what she didn’t see was that Ryan was right there lurking in the darkness beside the church. And there he stood with a malicious smile that crawled across his face. Because he just saw Lillyana an Nobel in the church and had a corrupted and vile plan.

As Lillyana gets home her daddy comes rushing out. “Lillyana oh my God, are you ok?” (Says David). Lillyana looks at him bewildered. Ryan walks out with a crooked smile on his face until David turns to him, then he looks concerned. Seeing Ryan Lillyana has the burning hot, pulsating rage just wash over and over take her. But before she says anything Ryan buts in. “I told your dad how the Negros beat up Jenefire, and she called you. So you fell into tears dropped everything and with your heart on your sleeve and not in your right mind, you got in his truck and went to her rescue.”(Ryan says with a evil smile on his face). “We were so worried that you had got hurt also.” (Says David feeling relieved). Lillyana goes to straighten things up but Ryan interrupts. “Hey David why don’t you go get Lillyana a blanket?”( Rushes Ryan). So then David turns around and goes in side. Then like a cobra Lillyana slaps Ryan before he even has time to blink. “What the hell is wrong with you?” (screams Lillyana). “Now you listen to me you ungrateful little brat. I have given everything to you. So unless you want your little neiger friend from the church to find the wrong end of your daddy’s shotgun you best listen to me.”.”I saw you and him in that church. I never thought my beautiful girlfriend was a negier lover.”. “ You are going to tell your daddy nothing of this and we are going to go on as we were or I will tell your dad that you have been sleeping with that monkey.”(says Ryan). “How dare you, who are you right now?”(Lillyana says).

As Lillyana has tears going down her face, David walks out. So she wipes away her tears and Ryan grabs her by the waist and looks her in her face. “I am just so glad you are back home safe.”(lied Ryan). Knowing that her father was standing there he places his hands on her head and kisses her. Her father sees them and goes back inside to give them their privacy. Lillyana tries to pull away but Ryan grabs a handful of her hair and holds her in place. She bites his lip, he releases she falls back to breath. But in a blind rage he strikes her and grabs her arm. “I own you when I want you to kiss me you kiss me.” (angrily says Ryan). He spits in her face and pushes her to the ground. “Now go get your things before I beat you.” ( says Ryan).  As Lillyana is lying on the ground she is so scared she had never seen this side of him. Frighten that if she didn’t he would hurt her she did what she was told. But as she was walking of she had a gut feeling that this was just the beginning.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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