Once everyone climbed into the van, Dylan started the car up and they were on there way. Dylan and King were in the front while Keisha, Bailey, and Suliana all sat in the back.

Bailey had no heard one peep out of Suliana and Keisha the whole entire day which surprised her but, also saddened her.

She had notice that Keisha had been acting funny towards her since before the trip. She didn't answer Bailey's calls or messages, she stopped talking to her, and everything else under the sun. She had made plans to talk to her about that in private.

20 minutes later, they had pulled up to the house. Everyone stepped out the car and walked up the long driveway. Bailey sped walked to the house because her feet was hurting and she was in much need of some sleep. She was glad that she didn't have to sleep with no one like it was originally planned. Keisha decided that she wanted to sleep in a room with Suliana instead of Bailey and, Bailey was fine with that.

Sighing, Bailey slipped her dress off before getting into bed. She didn't have any energy to put on any pajamas. She was glad she took a bath before they left.

After what happened tonight, the only thing she really had energy for is sleep.


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"Fuck." King groaned, rubbing his forehead. Squinting his eyes, he looked around the room before lifting himself out of bed.

He had a major headache and was considering laying back in bed. He had no clue why he was feeling that way and, he couldn't replay the things that happened that happened the day before.

After doing his hygiene and using the bathroom, he went in the hallway to see that everyone was still sleep. He thought that shit had got wild last night because they would usually be up around this time.

Making his way downstairs and in to the kitchen, he turned the corner to see Bailey leaning over the counter, watching whatever was in the microwave warm. He stepped back and watch her, silently.

She took the food out the oven right before it could beep, she didn't want to wake nobody up. Opening the hot pocket up, she turned on her heel before stopping when she seen King.

Rolling her eyes at him, she turned and went another way around the counter. That wasn't successful because he stopped her before she could make it out. Bailey sighed loudly, going back to the way she came from and again, that didn't work because he had stopped her before she could leave.

"King, move."

"Not til' you tell me ya' problem."

"I don't have a problem." She shot back, with attitude thick in her voice.

"I can clearly see you have a problem. What's ya' issue?"

"I don't have an issue, I said that." She scrunched up her face in agitation.

King tilted his head and looked her in the eyes. He knew she was lying, and that was his way of getting it out of her.

"You really don't know what you did?" Bailey question.

"Nope." King responded, causing Bailey to scoff.

"First and for most, you got into it with Rameer last night. Second of all, when Rameer pulled a gun out on you, you wanted him to shoot you. You lucky the police was there because if they wasn't, your ass would've got killed."

Damn, King thought. He didn't know he was that bad. He created unnecessary beef with somebody because he was drunk off his ass.

"I'on know why you fuckin' wit' that nigga anyways."

"Did you listen to anything I just said? King, you almost died." Bailey semi-yelled back.

"Well, I wouldn't have almost died if you would open up your fuckin' eyes. The only reason why you was fuckin' with him was to probably get back at me." King yelled louder, not caring if the others woke up. He was really pushing off the topic and Bailey was totally done.

"Open my eyes to what? To what? My dude you have a whole girlfriend. I don't want you. And there ain't nothing that I want to get back at for. I broke things off, not you, me. I wasn't bout' to sit there and get played by a hoe. And matter of fact, we didn't even last long for me to even want to get back at you. How long we was talking? No more than a fucking month! So guess what? I can fuck with whoever I fucking want to fuck with because nobody, nobody own me, okay? Keep that little animal you got upstairs and ima' gon' head and keep mines. Have a nice day." Bailey finished before walking around him and back upstairs.
__ __
Some questions I have to ask and answer them please:

Should I create another book and continue to write this book?

Should I change the male characters or no? Cause I been on IG and... People starting to get tired of Clarence and yea.

But toodles, it's like 1 am rn and I need to sleep.

But toodles, it's like 1 am rn and I need to sleep

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