Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Accalia Angela Belli but most just call me angel. But, I have a secret, I'm a werewolf. Well two years ago when I lived with my cousin in Wisconsin for the summer, I was walking to a friend's house by myself and a wolf attack me, bit me in the forearm before running into the woods again. Then that night I was in immense pain because I was growing my ears and tail but I didn't transform into a wolf. My ears were dark brown like my hair but they were tipped in orange and yellow making it look like they were tipped in Fire and it was the same with my tail. But, I quickly learned I could hide my ears and tail at will, which I did and whenever it was a full moon, I didn't transform but, my senses or strength were increased until they reach Max potential. Which was 4 months ago in July of 2017. The day before the 4th of October at 7 p.m. while my mom and I were chilling in our living room watching the Wirld series,  I asked my mom if we could be home from trick-or-treating by 10 p.m. "Why?" She asked. I told her I could not tell her. So she said that if I didn't tell her then we would stay out until she said so. Then with fear in my throat I said because if I didn't I would turn to a werewolf. She laughed and said she didn't believe me, so I reluctantly showed her my ears and tail to prove it. While my mom was in complete shock I explain the entire story to her. Then finally she said " Holy Swizzle Sticks Batman!" She then agreed to come home by 10 p.m. The next day my friends Agathi Adelma and Maisie Maris, who I knew were werewolves, asked me how long it's been since that wolf bit me? I told them almost two and a half years which meant the next full moon was the one I would most likely have my first full transformation and I was so excited. But there was also a prophecy that says " a wolf that is only 2 and 1/2 years of age are the descendants of our lunar goddess, our wolf angel."

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