Chapter 2: Dodo The Turtle

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"...No more... no... more..."

Hyungwon collapsed on his knees so Wonho and Minhyuk both had to help him stand and sit on the bed.

"Can you... explain more?" He asked.

The two looked at each other before looking back at Hyungwon and nodded at him.

"Three years ago, the Furious Hamsters, the Hungry Bears and the Dangerous Bees finally managed to invade and occupy your kingdom." said Wonho.

"But how?! Our walls have stood countless sieges! For almost a hundred years if I may add! Our shell homes have also managed to deflect any air attacks by the Bees' air force! And our powerful navy always prevented any kind of attack by water!"

"Look, we don't know the full story 'cause in the first place, we don't have any means of communication with your country! We wanted to send a force to help you guys but then they also mounted an offensive against us so... we weren't able to help." said Minhyuk.

"I don't want to say this but if it weren't for your country's voluntary seclusion and isolation from the rest of the world, then that invasion wouldn't have happened!" said Wonho.

"Hey you, Bunny ears! That law was made to protect our country and it was only right that we did! And in case you haven't been listening, we've withstood their attacks for almost a hundred years!"

"That's the point! ALMOST! Without any effective allies to help you, then you would've really lost! You placed too much faith in those walls and shells of your but looked what happened!"

"We sent some spies there after the successful invasion, they said that everything was either up in flames or... in ruins." added Minhyuk.

"Our navy! What happened to them?!"

"They were taken by the Hamsters and its allies of course." said Wonho. "As for your people... well..."

"Well what? WHAT!"

"They're gone..."

"What do you mean they're gone?! Were they forcibly taken away from our country?!"


"Don't tell me..."

"The spies we sent there said they didn't see any of your people. New families, primarily from the Hamsters, the Bears and the Bees have moved in and now, it's mostly those people living there now. They even said that a huge bronze statue of the Hamster Emperor now stands in the middle of your capital city. Although we've been told that most of the buildings in there had been either left intact and fixed or demolished. Your shell houses are still there but as for your walls, most sections have been torn down to become points of entry."

"So... are you both telling me that... I... could be the last Sleepy Turtle on this planet?!"

"Well... maybe, but if your younger sister is alive then that makes you two..." Minhyuk said which earned him a nudge from Wonho. "What!?"

"Wait, that's what we know right now BUT, there are rumours that they've been taken away and locked up somewhere." Wonho added.

"Rumours? So, they might not be true?"

"Yes but they could also be true. There's still hope..."

"And if it's not true? Hmm? What then? How will I live with the fact that my younger sister and I, whom I don't know where she is right now, could be the last Sleepy Turtles!?"

"There's only one thing you can do to know if your people are still alive or not!"


"Defeat the Hamster Emperor! Make the prophecy come true!"

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