imagine | late nights

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You sat there in bed, now able to keep your eyes closed before your thoughts got to you. Thoughts about literally anything; from you wanting a dog, wanting to eat mcdonalds, being eager to go on more missions, or wanting to hang out with Cable...

That one hit you a lot, but you always tried to push it away.

Finally having enough, you stood up and stretched your arms over your head. Not thinking anyone would be up this late, you threw a light jacket over your tank top and left your shorts as they were, before sliding on a pair of socks and booking it as silently as possible to the kitchen, to use the mansion telephone.

You picked up the vintage landline and dialed the number for some Pap John's pizza.

"Hello, Papa John's pizza, how can I help you?"

"Just a small medium cheese pizza please? Delivered to 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center?"

"Yes ma'am. Anything else for you?"

"No sir, that should be all. Thanks!"

You sighed after hanging up, and went and plopped down on the couch in the living room by the kitchen. You didn't want to wake anyone, so you didn't put on the TV or anything to distract yourself.

Which, caused the boredom to knock you out.



The loud thudding from the front of the house caught Cable's attention, and he stopped cleaning his gun and quickly began to stomp down the stairs and hallways until he went through the front door by the kitchen.

He quickly spotted you, slumped over on the couch. He sighed, continuing to walk towards the door.

"O-Oh, hello sir! One small cheese pizza, that will be $5.45!" Cable glanced over to the six dollars you had by the table. He grabbed it and then handed it to the pizza man, before snatching the pizza and slamming the door shut. He glanced back over to you. You, who was often very stone looking and strong, in such a defenseless and small position was very cute.

He mentally slapped himself for that. He went over and picked you up with his metal arm and flung you over his shoulder, while holding onto the pizza box with his real arm.

He makes his way for your room, and upon entry he gently lays you on your twin sized bed. He sets the pizza down on the desk, and then looks over at you. Your peaceful and at ease expression gives him an impulse to kiss your forehead, gently, so as not to wake you up.

After realizing what he did, he quickly and silently left your room and shut the door. He grinned like an idiot before returning to his own room that night.

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