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Sometimes I wish I had a heart of stone
That way it'll never beat for you
I wish my heart was carved from gold
Cold, empty, lifeless,
Unable to love, to feel
I wish I never saw your beautiful smile
That haunts my dreams every night
I wish I could forget your touch
The feel of my hand engulfed  in yours
The sparks when your skin touches mine
Then I remember it all
The joy,
The warm fluttering feeling in my heart
The way you always seemed to know how to make me laugh
How you stayed when no one else did
I wish for my heart to hate you,
To loathe you,
To despise the very thought of you,
To cringe at the very mention of your name
But I'm too weak
Too pathetic to hate you,
So I keep on running towards you
Hoping you'd change
And realize what you have right now
Before it's too late...


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