kisses, having a little destructive fun and reactions

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I dare you to breathe fire on discords tail

Ember: oooh, I'm gonna enjoy this one but I'll have to ask that shy yellow Pegasus first since I don't know him. (Goes to fluttershy) knock knock)

Fluttershy: who is it?

Ember: uh it's me ember. I'm spikes friend

Fluttershy: oh uh...wh..what is it.

Ember: well I got a dare and it's about discord. Do you know him or where he is?

Fluttershy: oh discord. He's my good friend and he's right here actually. DISCORD!!!

Discord: yes my dear fluttershy?

Fluttershy: this is eber. She's spikes friend and she has to do something that requires you

Discord: oh alright. Let's go "spikes friend ember"

Ember: I got a little mad at that but I ignored it since I'm learning get about friendship) out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw discord blush and say something about fluttershy) say something?

Discord: uh of course not!!! (Looks away blushing)

Ember: (that was weird. Anyway time for my dare) hey discord could you turn around?

Discord: uh sure? (Turns around)

Ember: he he he (breathes fire on his tail) BYE NOW!!!! (is fly away back to the dragon lands really fast)
OK next one

Hey ember, do you get jealous of spike liking rarity?

Ember: (is look at the ground sadly) y..yeah sometimes. I..I MEAN IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE HIM OR ANYTHING!!!! NEXT ONE PLEASE!!!

I dare you to kiss spike 

Ember: uhhhhh.......... (I blush hard at the dare and turn bright red like garble himself) FINE!!! (I fly to ponyville again to do my dare; I found myself outside of twilight's castle. I knocked on the door) knock knock) uh, anyone here? (To my surprise, it was spike that opened the door) oh hey spike (I blush and turn away)

Spike: EMBER!!! (I hugged my friend before greeting her inside)

Ember: (I blushed hard as he hugged me; I nervously patted his head)

Spike: so what brings you here ember?

Ember: (I suddenly remember why I was here and soon red flushed to my face) well uh....i..i..uh, um. I have to do a dare

Spike: oh a dare. Are you playing truth or dare? Can I join? It would be so fu.... (I was cut off by a blue female dragon's lips on mine; she pulled away and I saw her fly off) .....what just happened? 😶😶

Ember: (I blushed as I pulled away and flew away back to the dragon lands) one please. But it's the last one since I can't handle anything right now

I dare you to react to "epic spike"

Ember: epic spike? Well OK then

After the video

Ember: (blushes hard) WHOA, THAT WAS SO COOL!!! I NEVER KNEW HE HAD POWERS!!! I mean, of course it's fan made but still. Great video. Well that's all for now. Later every creature.

Ask me "ember the dragon lord" anythingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя