chapter 2

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they kept trying to strike up conversation but I just kept my answers simple and kept quiet.

I got up "I'm going to go use the restroom" I say as I leave.

As I walk the halls towards an empty class room... Did you really expect me to go to the restroom? No.. I just couldn't be around so many people for long periods of time it freaks me out..

I find an empty class room and I sit there waiting for someone or something to kill me

I thought about my dad and how I watched him beat my brother...

I didn't realize it but I started crying

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get those thoughts out of my head... They huant me even in my sleep... Thats why I try and hide the dark circles under my eyes so no one would ask..

I don't trust anyone enough to tell them this information, so I kept it hidden and let it destroy me little.. By.. Little

The second bell had already rang, so I was late.. But I wasn't going to class

I reach into my boot. And I grab my best friend

A razor

I took I out of its little package and went to the bathroom. Where no one would be

I grip the blade in my hand, crying and silently screaming as I stand over the sink

I start cutting my wrist.. Deep cuts all up and down my wrist

"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry" Is what I kept say and I continued to cut myself

I start to get a bit dizzy as I see the red tinted sink

I put my hand on the counter next to the sink trying to keep myself from fainting

I regain my composer and grab my razor again

I continue to cry and cut myself. As I take my anger out on my wrists I realize what I am doing but I begin to not care.

As my wrist turns red I move to my stomach, I start making cuts. I thought it was fun to hurt myself, after all its what I deserve

I drop my blade and look in the mirror "look at what I've become, skipping class, wanting to die because of life..."

But I can't die I have to protect Rose from Him

"I'm sorry" I say again and again hoping someone out there would forgive me and take this pain away

I heard a knock

"Is everything okay in there?" I heard a man's voice... Wait... No one knew I was in here

Wait... I told them I was going to the restroom... Fuck

I didn't say any thing and washed off my arm quickly.. But I wasn't quick enough

"I'm coming in" I heard him say

He walks in and I hide my arm behind my back as I face him

It was jin

He looks around me and sees the bloody razor I didn't put away yet


His eyes widen and he looks worried

I grab the razor and put it in its package and put it in my boot and try to walk out when he grabs my shoulders

He roles up my sleeve and sees the scars made

"Why?" He asked, he looked sad

"Sorry" I said as I look down at my feet

Things Left Hidden {BTS Jimin X-Reader} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now