First Session (6/1/18) Peter Parker/Spider-man

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Hello and welcome to the first session. How is your day going? My day is going pretty well although I have been dealing with some friend drama and I am just so done. 

Now lets start with the real important stuff. Our topic for today is a sensitive one for a lot of people including me. (WAIT BEFORE YOU READ THE NEXT LINE I WANT TO WARN YOU IT IS A SPOILER FOR THE MOVIE SO IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE GO WATCH IT THEN COME BACK AND IF YOU DON'T CARE THEN SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!)  Today we are discussing the Spider-Man death scene. Here is my opinion on this topic:

Don't worry I will not put any pictures or videos of this scene because I know again, it is a very emotional scene for many people including myself. I personal was sobbing during this scene and my sister and I have dubbed this scene the forbidden part of the movie. This part was hard to watch because the way Peter was talking to Tony. The way he said "I don't want to go Mr.Stark, I don't want to go". This personally broke my heart because we all see Tony as a father figure to Peter and I just hope that if, Peter is currently dead that he can spend sometimes with his parents before he gets pulled back in Avengers 4. There is also a possibility that all the people who "died" by turning in to ash are actually in the soul stone. If this is the case then I hope Peter is with Bucky , Peter (Quill), and the other avengers. Also Peter's "spidey" senses slow down the time it took for him to disappear and told him in advance that something was wrong. Hence him saying "I don't feel so good".  I'm going to rap this up now and say that it was also hard for me because the first time I went to see this movie (Yes I did say the first) the power went out right as the mind stone broke so then we had to go to another movie theater and watch the whole movie over again and I thought the end would be good and happy but, oh ho how I was wrong, very wrong. But any way if you want to here the full story on my movie going experience for Infinity War then tell me so down in the comments.  

I think that is all I'm going to say but I hope this chapter helps you and feel free to share your feelings in the comments. I will try to respond to as many as i can when ever I can. Please feel free to contact me anytime. If you would like to have a better way of communicating with me try following me on Instagram at the_kirby_moose. But please be aware that it is a privet account so you can request to follow me but i would recommend leaving you user name in the comment before hand so I know it is you!  Love you all and see you soon! 💕

   ~ The Moose Girl ~

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