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Butterflies cannot escape the web put around them; the poor butterfly never escapes its fate, or its captures. I was the butterfly caught in the web of vampires. My family of farmers were rarely attacked or ever visted. But if a farmer had a daughter, a daughter they let go to town and sell their livestock alone, then the vampires would not hold back to kidnap and kill.

My older brother Nathan never let me go anywhere alone. But, I still saw. I still saw and I heard the screams. The screams of young women who had been taken by the vampires. The screams still as piercing as the fangs that had forced them.

It never fooled people. Everyone knew why those women were being taken and tortured. Vampires saw young women as property. Women of vampire races were used as treaties, war starters, messengers and entertainment.

I never had any friends. My family never talked to neighbours. The only time I socialized was when I was trying to get people to by eggs, fruits and meat. It was saddening. No butterfly escaped this kind of spider's web.

But there some who not be so willingly devoured.

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