I pretend to examine several weapons, but I already know which one to pick. I pick it up and turn it in between my fingers. The throwing knife is the length of my forearm, thin and sharp. I turn around to face him again. "I have twenty of these knives." I show him and see the small look of fear in his eyes, but he is no less defiant. "Where is Topaz?"

"I am dead if I tell you." He grimaces.

"You think I will let you live if you tell me?" I shrug. "You are dead either way. So, you can tell me and die quickly, or you cannot tell me and suffer for a very long time." Personally, I don't like torturing people, but I have to in order to get to Topaz. She murdered my father, and if I can't bring her to justice, then I will deliver the same fate she gave him.

A shape catches my attention on the second level overlook. Looking up, I can see Felix, stone-faced and watching me. Sure, now he returns. He holds my gaze for a minute. Let him see what his wife has been up to. "I can't..." The rebel starts, but I let the knife fly from my fingers, embedding itself deep into his left shin, with the tip striking the iron leg of the chair. He screams for a second and I almost think he is going to pass out, but he doesn't.

"That is just not the answer that I wanted." I reach behind me and pick up another one without even looking.

"Please..." He begs.

I shake my head. "Where is Topaz?"

He tries to again refuse, and I act like I am going to throw the second knife, and he lets out a yelp. "No, please. I can't tell you, because she moves around too often. I don't know where she is." I let out a grumble, turning the knife in my hand in frustration. "But...but I might be able to tell you where she is going. I am not as high up as you think and you mistake her if you think she is stupid enough to tell anyone he plans, but I do know that she is making a move for her beloved."

"Roland." I say, already knowing it is true. "Topaz has been seen in Sarkin. So you are telling me that she is coming here, to the castle, to break him out of the unbreakable prison holding him."

He is shaking from the pain. "She has help, on the inside."

I glance up to Felix, but he is gone from the landing. I suppress my frustration in my husband, and focus back on the rebel. "Who?"

"If I am to die, I shall take comfort in knowing that I died at your vicious hand Queen Marina, than by the Commander Topaz. For she is a force of nature, in the most terrible way. Her spies are everywhere, and I know that she knows I am here, spilling my knowledge to you. I have not seen her daughter in some time, but she is not the one you need to be worried about. It is Rowan Digory, the eldest son of Henrietta and Nikolas. He is the only one who can match her in any way. Topaz won't kill me because I am a traitor. She will slaughter me because I couldn't protect the boy."

"Rowan?" I question, sensing that I am missing something.

He shakes his head. "No. The boy, Liam."

I think back on what Akamus told me when he brought the rebel in. "The boy you were protecting when you were caught. That boy is Liam Digory?" He nods. "I sent Liam to Emberhelm to be tried along with the other rebels."

"He will never make it there and if he does, he won't be there long. Mommy dearest will get him out, I promise you." He tries to move, but whimpers from the knives.

I look to my son and his cousins. "Send a message to Adelina, now." The three quickly disperse to follow orders. In a second, I am left alone with the rebel. "If Henrietta is going after Liam, and Topaz is coming here for Roland, then where is Rowan?"

"Hidden in plain sight. He has been a prison guard for years." I frown at the new information. "He is now guarding Roland's cell. A position, if I am not mistake, you put him in."

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