Chapter Two: Run for Your Life

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Elspeth tried to stand up but the force of the Dragon’s roar pushed her down and she smacked the side of her head against the chopping block.  “This is it,” she thought and just as she was about to let herself collapse into the dirt, she felt a strong hand dragging her away.  Ralof hollered at her as he pulled her up, “Elspeth, get up!  The gods won’t give us another chance!  This way!”

Without looking back, she ran and as she approached the tower, Ralof shoved her forward as he jumped inside and out of the way of a massive chunk of burning stone.  Ulfric Stormcloak was there with some other Stormcloak soldiers.

“Jarl Ulfric!” Ralof exclaimed, “What is that thing? Could the legends be true?”

“Legends don’t burn down villages.”

“I think that one did,” interjected Elspeth.

Ulfric and Ralof both gave her puzzled looks but did not respond as the dragon started howling again.  A soldier grabbed her arms and cut through her binds.  She rubbed her wrists but before she could thank him Ulfric started barking orders, “We need to move now.”

They followed Ralof up the tower but before they made it even half way up the spiraling staircase the dragon’s head came crashing through the wall.  She stumbled backward, grabbing at Ralof, who was crouching into the steps.  He pushed her forward and they both ran up to inspect the hole.

Ralof looked her over and shouted, “Are you okay?  Can you keep moving?”


He turned around and pointed to what used to be the center of Helgen, “See that inn on the other side.  Jump through the roof and keep going.”

She was nervous about the prospect of going alone and asked, “Are you coming with me?”

“Just go!  We’ll follow when we can!”

Elspeth took a deep breath and jumped.  She made her way through the inn and found a pair of Imperial soldiers coaxing a little boy to them as the dragon dropped to the ground.  She held her breath and didn’t release it until the little boy made it into the arms of one of the men.

“Gods, everyone get back.”  It was the soldier with the list.  “Still alive Elspeth?  Keep close to me if you want to stay that way.  Gunnar, take care of the boy.  I have to find General Tullius and join the defense.”

“Gods guide you, Hadvar.”

Elspeth followed Hadvar around the burning village.  There were fires and stones and burning bodies and screaming villagers everywhere.  Chaos reigned.  For a moment Elspeth chuckled at the thought of a defense and wondered if she would find Ralof again.

“Stay close to the wall,” yelled Hadvar.

At that moment, the dragon swooped down.  She felt the edge of its wing brush against her head and for some reason that frightened her more than anything else.  She froze in her tracks, paralyzed with terror.

“Elspeth!”  Hadvar had gotten ahead of her.  She shook herself out of her fear-induced torpidity and when she caught up to him she could hear him yelling, “Ralof! You damned traitor, out of my way.”

“Ralof!” Elspeth screamed.  She was so very happy see him.

“We’re escaping Hadvar, you’re not stopping us this time.”

“Fine!  I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngard.  Come this way Elspeth!”

“Elspeth!” Ralof yelled, “Into the keep!”

Rise of House Sigeweald Book One (Skyrim Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now