imagine | meeting him at the mansion

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You approached the doors of the school silently, but in a very tired manner. Your friend from high school, Wade, got in touch with you and wanted you to join his "family" or "x-force" or whatever he called it.

When you two were in your senior year of high school, you confessed to him you were a mutant. Now, your powers weren't flashy: you were just basically the love child of John Wick and Captain America. You had incredible combat skills and increased strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance. You also could get to a point where you couldn't really feel pain, and your strength was increased in that little "berserk" mode.

However, despite somewhat of a powerful and combative mutation: you never really thought of becoming a hero. You usually just fought if you saw a situation arising that needed to be stopped, or if you yourself were in danger.

This was something completely new.

You and Wade had swapped phone numbers and kept in touch: he told you about when he was on the hunt for Francis, he told you when Vanessa died (which you attempted to comfort him but he wouldn't have it), and he told you when he was going to form a team, a team he didn't want you on because he didn't want you to die.

You didn't see a doorbell, but the door seemed way to extravagant to knock on. Still, you did anyway.

"State your business, young ma'am." A thick Russian accent played through the speakers you didn't realize were there.

"Oh, um, Wade Wilson? He asked me to—"

"Oh my metal daddy is that (Y/N)-bear? Wow it's been forever since I've seen her! Yeah I called her here she's good!"

You sat there, oddly confused about what the hell just happened. You merely shrug it off and walk inside.

There, you see a very handsome man who looks a significant bit older than you.

A memory from your senior year in English pops into your head, a conversation with Wade:

"It just feels like every time I try to date someone my age, I get heartbroken. I guess that's why I don't really want to date anyone the same age or younger than me." You stayed while Wade just nodded.

You began to wonder if the ballsack of mole rats called you here for another reason.

"You the hell are you?" The gruff man asked. You were extremely flustered, and embarrassed because he seemed to be annoyed.

"(Y/N), Wade called me here."

The silver fox grunted and crossed his arms, now leaning against the doorway. You looked down at your feet, sneaking glances at him every so often as he kept his eyes closed.

He had a small amount of scruff, which was somewhat attractive to you. He had three small scars that covered his right eye, the left side of his body was... almost cyborg, and he wore a bored expression that hid a story. Bored expressions usually do.

"(Y/N)! Sweetie, hey!" You saw the red and black body condom emerge from the hall in front of you.

You chuckled. "Hey."

You felt Wade's grin from behind his mask when he grabbed the half metal man by the shoulders. "Have you met my best friend Cable? Well, you're also my best friend but he went and executed pedophiles with me, so that's something special!"

That earned a grunt from Cable as he looked away, seemingly annoyed.

"Funny enough, I think I remembering offering you my help when you went to save that kid, Wade."

"Let's not worry on the past, but more towards the future!" Wade took your hand and Cable's metallic one, sliding them onto each other. "To go towards this future, Cable will show you around!"

You glared at Wade with the intensity of a middle aged woman who watched her favorite character die in infinity war. He whispered in your ear "C'mon, you think he's attractive don't you? It's fine."

You slapped him away from you, your face officially red. Cable looked at you with an eyebrow raised, but still wore a blank expression.

"I'll let you two kids have fun, I've got some crap to mess up!" He said before making sparkle fingers and then running out of the area down the hall.

"Sorry, about whatever that was." You smiled out of nervousness to Cable.

Cable merely nodded. "It's fine, (Y/N). I'm kind of used to his bull by now. Still doesn't mean he isn't a mess." He turned around and began walking. "Come on, follow me."


You honestly were enjoying yourself a lot. Cable would make these sarcastic and blunt comments at random things in the house.

"This is the sparring room, where I get to kick Wade's ass of course. Although that ain't exclusive to just here."
"This is the kitchen, where people fail at making good food and end up calling up for some pizza anyway."
"This is one of the classrooms, god forbid I ever have to teach one of these fucking classes."

Honestly, you loved hearing him make these sarcastic comments. It gave you a feeling of sincerity and safety, even if he really wasn't being open. You thought his form of humor honestly was similar to yours.

You felt very happy in his presence, to put it simply.

"And here's your..." Cable's eyes widened when he looked at your room number.

You tilted your head. "What is it?"

"Looks like we're neighbors." Cable said state of the fact like. "Hope you ain't loud, I will break down your door and tell you to shut up."

You started chuckling, earning a signature eyebrow raise. "Maybe I'll scream just for the hell of it."

He glared. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

You, suddenly on a confident streak, smirked "Maybe I want a visit from you." Seeing the shock in his face made you realize you probably made a mistake, so you quickly started finger gunning. "...mate." You muttered with a toothy grin.

His face calmed after a second and he coughed. "It's nice to meet you, (Y/N). I hope we can see each other often." He said before walking into his room, which left you to walk into yours.

You face palmed once you got inside. "What a mistake I am. He's obviously uninterested and uncomfortable."

But in actuality, he sat in his room with his thoughts fluttering on you, causing him to needs to cover his face due to his cheeks burning up.

Something good hopefully will happen, because you both deserved it.

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