Illiterate in Love

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"No way. I can't believe I'm seeing this with my own eyes."

Two bodies ahead of Carolina Ganit—the source of the bewilderment—stood Dean Plath, Brandon-Sinkler High School's star quarterback and unofficial title holder of 'least likely to read a book over two-hundred pages.'

He couldn't possibly be in line for an actual book signing, could he?

"You're a Milo Fitzrick fan?"

After a few initial seconds of realizing Carolina wasn't talking to the other fifty-something Fitzrick fans in line, Dean slowly craned his neck to look at her.

"Hence why I'm here," he said, a crease forming between his brows. "What's your excuse?"

Carolina shouldered past the the two middle aged men separating her from Dean—muttering a quick apology, of course—then readjusted the short stack of novels she'd brought to be signed. "This is my scene," she insisted. The latest trio from the series in her arms served as proof.

Dean grunted. "Just because you're the only one that carries a novel with you in plain sight everywhere you go doesn't mean the rest of us are illiterate."

With depictions of the stereotypical "dumb jock" running through her mind, Carolina almost felt bold enough to ask him to back up that statement—almost. Before Carolina had the chance, she caught a glimpse of his copy of Fitzrick's newest work. Dreadnought at Dawn was not only visibly thumbed through, but a few orange sticky-notes peeking out of the top also caught her eye.

Carolina felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

Apparently the stereotypes had it wrong; some jocks do enjoy reading.

Dean creased one of the orange slips when he caught her looking. "My uncle got me into them right after the second book released."

Before the movie deal? If he hadn't had Carolina's respect, he certainly had it now.

"And you...liked them?" she asked tentatively.

Dean glanced down at his copy. "I mean, book three was trash—" the women on the opposite side of him shot him a glare "—but it really picked up again when he returned to the institute. Especially after that stairwell scene—"

"Spoilers," the woman held up a hand.

"This is a tour for book six!"

Before the woman could argue further, a bookstore employee announced Fitzrick would be ready to sign within the next few minutes.

The news was enough to dissipate the argument, because Dean's attention shifted back to Carolina.

"Did not peg you as a sci-fi chick," he said bluntly, a smirk creeping onto his face.

She shrugged. "Blame my dad, I guess."

"Blame?" Dean shook his head. "Other than you, I don't think I know any cute girls well-versed in space jargon."

Carolina smiled sheepishly at the ground. "Don't flirt with me, Plath. I'm not meeting my favorite author while I'm red in the face."

Dean leaned forward. Carolina was sure her blush worsened.

"Too late."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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