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Matt gently patted the black haired girl on the back, cautious not to scare her and waited for a reply.
"Hmm...? What's wrong?" The young girl asked, looking Matt dead in the eyes which made him blush a little bit.
"Uhh....I was just....umm.... w-what happened to y-your's covered in bruises...." he sighed mentally, Why was he being such a pussy?
Charlie looked at him for s second then quickly changed her viewing direction back to in packing her things, ignoring Matts question completely.
Matt gulped, aware he'd hit a sensitive topic and slowly backed away feeling guilty.

The room was now filled with silence apart from the occasional snapping of Mello's chocolate bar.
10 minuets passed but it seemed like hours to the boys as they observed the young girl finish packing her things, climb onto the top of a bunk bed and put her earphones in, ignoring Mello and Matt completely.

Matt being Matt decided to break the silence and stole a bar of Mello's chocolate to piss him off which earned him a slap across the face.
"OW THAT HURT YOU BASTARD!" Matt screamed in pain while Mello just sat and laughed.
"It's not my fault your such a pussy Matt.." the blonde boy smirked and with that the room became silent again.

~Time Skip~

It was 10:00pm and Matt was the only one awake, or so he thought, so he decided to play his video games.
He pulled his red DS out of the drawer and loaded up his favourite game, Mario.

The redhead began playing his beloved game only to be stopped in his tracks by the sound of crying.

'Mello doesn't cry' Matt thought to himself.

Because she has been so quiet, Matt had forgotten about his new roommate Charlie asleep on the top of the bunk bed and realised that she was the source of the crying.
With a long sigh, he put his DS down and climbed up the ladder to see Charlie sat cradling a stuffed panda bear with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Just looking at the girl crying made Matt want to hug her tightly but he couldn't which pained him.

"Charlie...?" He whispered, no answer.
"Charlie..." Matt shook her gently and Charlie opened her eyes.

"What's wrong Matt?"

"You were everything okay?"

"No....I keep having nightmares...."

"About what?"

"My dad...."

"D-do you want to talk about it?"

Charlie nods and smiles weakly. Matt smiles back and begins to climb back down the ladder when he is suddenly stopped by the girl

"Don't go...will you stay with me?"
This surprises Matt but he nods his head and sits next to her in her bed as the black haired girl cuddles him and slowly falls back asleep.
Matt sighs softly... "so much for talking about the nightmare"

Love triangle (Mello x OC x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now