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Before I start this story I want to share a small incident to all my readers that had actually took place when I was a kid of merely  5...I was a student of class 1st and was really cute as a kid and was favourite of all the teachers because of my academic performance.... we used to have our computer science teacher who was really a sweetheart...or should I say a devil in disguise... whenever he used to had class with us he use call me near his teacher's table...and taking the advantage of the table he used to touch me inappropriately... between my legs...though he didn't went beyond that but this went on for like 2-3 years untill I reached in class 4 and he got rusticated because of some physical beating to some senior students......I was really small to even react to that...too small to even know that I was being harassed...and this all happened because of lack of awareness...and on top of it lack of courage...I wish I could go back into that time and show to that man who molested a 5 year old that what are the consequences of his deed...I wished I had a sibling or a friend to share this with him or her........I wish I could have taken a brave and firm stand.... perhaps that incident was a major reason that I had stopped trusting people...and  relationships...

But now I m stronger...and invincible....may be I had lost the softness long back I used to have...but nevertheless I m proud of being a
"DIFFICULT TO LOVE OR APPARENTLY A HEARTLESS PERSON " that I have transformed into...if trust are meant to be shattered then it's better never to trust...
And in all these years from a weak...scared 5 year a 18 year old strong.... short tempered and bold one I have traveled a long way...

The only purpose to share this experience is to make people aware that the flame are within you...all you need to do is ignite them... because you can only be broken down when you want that to happen....

No women is weak...or helpless....and the dignity of women isn't that weak or feeble that it can be tarnished by mere inappropriate touch of a filthy man....

I don't know whether I took a right step by writing what I went through on this platform but I did coz I felt the need to do so...If I had hurt anyone's sentiments then I m wasn't intentional...🙏🙏


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