Chapter 2: Rough Start

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  You woke up in Eto's apartment, on the makeshift bed she had made on the couch. Last night had been quite a hassle, as you had been freed from a prison run by CCG by several Aogiri tree members.

And considering the fact that the CCG was the one who killed your parents and left you in a prison cell to starve, you were surprised that you had been able to think straight, knowing that many would have succumbed to madness or at least experienced trauma at that point.

As you walked to the kitchen, you thought of what was going to happen. Although not a lot of productive thoughts came through your still groggy mind, you remembered that you still owed Eto one for getting you out of prison, and that you hadn't thanked her yet. You sat down on a seat, with Eto sitting opposite to you.

"Good morning." she said to you.

"Good morning." you replied in a half-tired tone, "And thanks. You know, for freeing me and all that."

"You're welcome." she replied to you happily. For a moment, you wondered why she sounded cheerful. This caught your attention only due to the contrast it provided for her more serious behaviour last night. In any case, you didn't mind.

"So, what about that training?" you asked her.

"Oh, yes." she replied, "I'll train you in combat myself."

"I know that I'm getting some special privileges here," you replied, "but I'm just wondering, why? Why waste your time training me yourself?"

"Wasn't it obvious? I DID get you out of prison, even if indirectly." she replied to you, "If I get you out of there, it makes sense to also train you, right?". You nodded understandingly, seeing the point in her logic. Having your answer, you proceeded to ask;

"So, when are we gonna start my training?"

"We'll start once you get back into shape. But just so you know, it won't be easy." Eto replied to you.

"Obviously." you mumbled. Around midday, you were sitting around at the couch, waiting for Eto to return from the grocery shop. She had told you not to leave the house, as there was bound to be ghoul investigators patrolling the streets. She soon returned, and she gave you a small-ish package.

"What's this?" you asked her.

"It's your lunch, of course." she replied, giving a smile. You unwrapped the packaging, finding a sizable hunk of meat. By its smell, you identified it as human flesh. In response, you bit down on the hunk of flesh, gladly eating it.

"Finally a proper bloody meal." you grunted as you ate.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Eto replied, "But so you know, next tuesday we'll go on a mission. You'll join the squad, and I'll supervise and see that nothing goes awry.". You nodded understandingly, continuing your still-unfinished meal.

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