How you met

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You arrived at the Hokages office with two ANBU's next to your side. You ran away from home and came here to run away from the ninja from your country.

'Don't worry, I have a feeling we'll be safe here'

Said Osamu. You nodded and the animal masked person opened the door. He pushed inside and you stumbled infront of a tired blond, that looked like he wasent sleeped in years. He had 3 whiskers on each cheek and amazing striking blue eyes.

"Why did you bring a child into my office?"

He asked standing up from his chair.

"We found him on the front gates with  blood stained clothes"

Said one of the ANBU with a cat mask.

"What's your name?"

He asked looking down at you.

'Tell him'

"(Y/n) (L/n)"

You felt the shock radiating around the room and slight fear.

"Impossible, the (L/n) clan was slautered in cold blood weeks ago"

Said the other ANBU with a dog mask. The blond Hokage kneeled down infront of you and placed a hand on your head.

"Enough, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your family, you can stay with my family if you like"

'Say yes'


He nodded and gave you a gentle smile then looked at the ANBU.

"You may go"

"Hai, Lord 7th"

They puffed away and he turned back to you.

"Lets go, I think you'll get along fine with my family"

He said standing up. You nodded and followed him as the two of walked throu the streets toward his home, or now your home as well.

"I'm home!!"

He yelled opening the door to his house. He motioned you to get inside as well.

'This is a nice house'

You nodded while admiring the house. Naruto chuckeld and his shoes off. You also took your shoes off and followed him to the looking living room that was connected to the kitchen, and dining room.

"Welcome back- who's this?"

Asked a woman with lavender eyes.

"This is (Y/n) (L/n), he will be staying with us for now on"

He said looking down at you with a smile. You fidgeted nervously as the woman eyes widen.

"I'm sorry to hear your family was slautered, my name is Hinata Uzumaki"

She said looking at you gently. You nodded and heard multiple footsteps behind you. You turned to see two kids around your age bursting through the doorway.

"Ah, Boruto, Himawari, come here and meet someone"

He said motioning them toward him. The girl smiled happily nd joined his side immediately while the boy who was your age just stayed in his spot looking at you in amazement at your unmatched eyes.

"Kids, I want you to meet (Y/n) (L/n), he will be living with us for now on, so get along with him"


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