Sabrina Goldberg

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Greeting everyone...I was debating on doing an Achmed The Dead Terrorist intro, but one that's not funny, two I probably would've offended someone which isn't my intention and last but not least my dad yells at me every day for doing that. In all seriousness though if you're Jeff Dunham doing your thing then yes it's funny, but if you're doing that to be rude, ignorant, and or to offend someone then I ask you in the rudest way that you can think of to leave. Anyway you're probably wondering "why is this girl running her mouth so much and not telling us what we came to find out? We wanna know who you are, your WWE story, about you and Seth Rollins etc." To those people I say please be patient we'll get there...eventually.

I just wanna have some fun first and make a few side comments here and there which Seth doesn't like because he says that it reminds him of my cousin who has a cat that doesn't like him (A/N That may or may not be a spoiler for my Finn Balor story). With that being said I think I've wasted enough of your time by being my obnoxious self so now let me introduce you to me. What up guys...that was supposed to be my Seth Rollins impression (haha) my name is Sabrina Renee Goldberg

that was supposed to be my Seth Rollins impression (haha) my name is Sabrina Renee Goldberg

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, but you can just call me by my nickname and also ring name Rae. I'm a second generation superstar because I'm the daughter of WWE Hall of Famer Bill Goldberg

 (obviously, I am if you couldn't tell by the last name) and have been wrestling for about 11yrs now give or take

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 (obviously, I am if you couldn't tell by the last name) and have been wrestling for about 11yrs now give or take. Some people say that I am a big deal because of who my father and uncle (we'll get to who my uncle is soon) are, but I don't believe that I am.

I have an older sister named Mariah

 who is a wrestler as well and I also have a brother named Gage who is still too young to get into the business (that's if he wants to though)

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 who is a wrestler as well and I also have a brother named Gage who is still too young to get into the business (that's if he wants to though). Anyway, with that being said I am the niece of Paul Levesque aka Triple H. We're only related because he's my mom's brother, but don't ask me who's older because I don't apply myself enough to care if I'm honest. I'm 28 years old and about to retire from the business because as I said earlier I've been doing this for a while. I've faced some of the greats like Trish Stratus, Lita, and Victoria just to name a few and I think it's time for me to walk away before I get truly burned out.

I kinda have a thing for Colby Lopez

 (Seth Rollins) he's actually one of my best friends

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 (Seth Rollins) he's actually one of my best friends. He really close to me as well...we've been that way ever since we met in NXT when Triple H asked me and a few others to go down there and lend a hand with some of the new talents. For at least two of us, it was a punishment from Vince for laughing during a board meeting and honestly it was probably the best thing that ever happened to me because I got to meet him. He's really cool and I wouldn't mind dating him, but he's taken and there have been rumors about him being a douche when it comes to relationships, but I don't care. Besides if you don't know the whole story of something then who are you to judge.

Besides he wouldn't want me I was "dating" one of his friends which was only a storyline, but Vince wanted it to be believable so he made us a kiss a few times on TV and whatnot. Anyway, I guess I should tell you some more about me. I'm a very sweet girl who you probably wouldn't want to upset because I have some bad anger issues kinda like Randy Orton, but not as bad. With the exception of said anger issues, I'm actually very nice and laid back. I am sometimes highly opinionated and can turn into an Aj Lee or a female Cm Punk because I sometimes have no filter for my mouth.

I like to sing, but am not into making a career out of it...or at least I don't think I will. I also have a background in gymnastics which I guess helps me out when I do Jeff Hardy like moves in the ring. Last but not least I love to play video games and have a game room in my house, but I'm not the biggest fan of losing so sometimes I've broken stuff like Aj Styles or have went off like Seth does. Anyway I have to go I'm supposed to be hanging out with Colby today and I'm super excited...hopefully, everything goes great later nerds.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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