Harry stirred, the sound of the front door awakening him. He let out a grumbled groan as he realised what the sound was. He pushed off the covers and plodded out of the bedroom. The guest bedroom door was open ajar, but when he pushed it open, he saw the empty bed, perfectly made. There was no evidence Olivia had been a guest in his home, and if his feelings hadn't been so strong, he would almost believe it was all a dream.

He leaned against the doorjamb, sighing. He'd expected her to have left, of course, but he wished his belief would have been wrong. His heart felt as empty as the bed Olivia had slept in.

Fuck, he thought to himself, slamming his hand against the door with more force than he intended. He hadn't ever gotten over Olivia, but he'd been able to push her from the forefront of his mind. Now, she was right back at the front and he was not sure he could push her away this time.

He huffed back into the bedroom, opening a dresser drawer and pawing through it until he found the rectangle box. He stroked the velvet along the top of the box before opening it up, revealing the Tiffany's necklace he'd given to Olivia so many years before. She had left it at his house in Los Angeles and he'd always wanted to give it back to her. Had he not opened his big mouth last night and kept things cordial, like Olivia wanted, he could have given it to her then.

But, as usual, he ruined everything.

He touched the centre charm, remembering how beautiful Olivia looked the night of his premiere. It had been one of the best nights of his life. He wished they'd had more nights like that together. He wished they'd had more nights together, period.

Fuck, he missed her.

He closed the box and stuffed it back into the deep recesses of the dresser, ensuring nobody but he knew of its whereabouts. He still hoped to give it back to her one day, but today would not be that day.


"Hey, babe."

Olivia flopped onto her bed, cold and tired. "Hey," she greeted, holding her phone against her cheek as she curled up against the pillows. "My phone died last night, sorry," she added, her stomach twisting as she spoke a lie to Ben.

"S'okay," Ben assured her, sounding as though he was stifling a yawn. "How was your night with your sisters?"

Olivia's stomach continued to twist as she carried on her lie to her fiancé. "It was fine," she lied, pressing her hand against her stomach to rid the tumbling. "We just hung out... did sister stuff, watched movies. Nothing major..." she said, trailing off. How Ben didn't pick up on her lies was beyond her. She was a terrible liar – though it was easier to lie over the phone than face to face.

"Sounds decent," Ben commented, letting out a loud yawn. "Ugh, sorry babe. Long night," he told her. That was all he would tell her. Ben never divulged much information about his shifts. Ben never divulged much information about anything. He was a quiet man who kept many of his thoughts to himself – a stark contrast from Harry, who often forgot how to bite his tongue.

P.S. (Please Stay)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें