part 2

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Kirishima quickly picked up Midoriya after dropping him. But no matter what he did Madoriya wouldn't settle down.

Getting fed up with Midoriya's crying Bakugou decided it was about time for him to shut up. Walking over Bakugo began his speach.

" I swear Kirishima that if you can't get the brat to be quite that I'll put you both in the hall." He said walking over.

" I'll make sure that h-" " Kacchan" Midoriya said in the middle of Bakugou's speach.

Midoriya had stopped crying now and was stairing directly at Bakugou. Not wanting it to be true Bakugou started running from Deku's gaze. However, Deku keep following him with a determined stare.

Finally he stopped "no this can't be happening" he said looking at the ground in horror.

Kirishima had set Deku down to see where he would go. And to everyone's surprise he walked right over to Bakugou.

"Kacchan" Midoriya said one more time while holding Bakugou's pantleg in his small fist.


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