Chapter 11 Plan in motion

Começar do início

"Yes, I am" Kylo whispered. "But Rey doesn't deserve to suffer because of me" He spoke louder this time, looking down to the ground, his emotions were a mess. He couldn't help Rey without the resistance's help. Even if he managed to get to her, the two of them probably wouldn't get out alive.

"I don't believe you, but Finn seems to, as does the General, which is enough for me to lend a hand, plus Rey is important to me, too us. But don't mistake this for trust Kylo Ren" he spit out Kylo's name like it was a bad taste in his mouth. "If you betray us, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Kylo smiled at the threat, if one could even call it that. It sounded like an attempt anyway. "Bring it on Pilot you and I both know who always wins" he smiled darkly at Poe who stood and walked to the door.

"That was a long time ago Ben, we're not kids any more I wouldn't hold back just because your mommy is here" Poe answered before turning towards the door.

"Funny I don't remember you ever beating me"

"That's because you always ran to your mother" Poe was at the door, he turned to face Kylo.

"We're leaving as soon as we can, assuming we can convince Chewie to help us. He's definitely not pleased with you. Hmmm I wonder why?" Poe left the room and Kylo felt a wave of guilt grip his heart. Of course, Chewie was still mad at him it would be a long time before that changed.

Kylo sighed, he should have been filled with relief, Poe had agreed to help him, but all he could feel was the calm burning furry that boiled in his veins. It was as if at any second, he could burst into flames. He needed to focus, the First Order was powerful and with Hux in control who knew what was in store for them. Kylo had to be sure that no matter what happened Rey would be safe.

Poe returned a few hours later, Finn followed closely behind. "Alright Supreme Asshat, you've got Finn and I with you, Chewie will get us out of the ship but before that we're on our own the resistance probably won't risk anyone else for this mission. Not that I asked" Poe threw Kylo's saber in his direction. Kylo clipped it to his belt before Finn stepped forward with binders.

"No offense but those" he glanced at the binders "are useless, unless they bind the Force with in me, which, I highly doubt" Kylo snickered at the two men. They didn't seriously expect the binders to restrain him. He could kill them both with two fingers.

Finn rolled his eyes but didn't move to restrain him. He looked at Poe who only shook his head.

"So, what's the plan?" Finn asked. Both men turned to look at Kylo. He actually hadn't thought of what the plan should be. He knew Rey would be on the detention level which was in the lowest levels of the ships.

"Maybe we can barter with Captain Asshat here" Poe motioned to Kylo. "I'm sure there's a hefty price on your head, we could probably disguise ourselves as bounty hunters and drop him off on their door step"

"That plan has been used, several times over and last time those involved barely escaped. You can ask Chewie about that one. Also, I don't fancy being used as bait because I would probably be executed on the spot." Kylo answered. He wasn't about to use one of his father's impulsive plans especially considering the First Order had a habit of killing traitors in the hangar bay without even bothering to put them in a cell.

"Funny that doesn't sound like a loss to me" Poe snickered and Kylo leaned forward making Poe flinch back quickly.

"Chicken" Kylo sneered before stepping away from Poe who was now watching him cautiously.

"We will have to create some sort of distraction, perhaps blow something up" Kylo watched as a wide grin spread across Poe's face.

"Leave that to me" he said mischievously.

Darkness RisesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora