Looking Back

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Holy cow.

The school year is coming to an end and... I'm going to have to hang up the writing cap for the summer. I may be on occasionally, but that's still an uncertainty.

Anyways, I can't help but think of how far I've come as an author during this previous school year, and I'd like to reflect... Maybe with you guys, if you care.


The 2016/2017 School Year

Last year.

That's when I got this account. This was my only way of sharing my stories online-- boy, has that changed-- and I used it only to read the occasional story, but mainly to post my own.

By the end of last year, I only had three "stories" finished:

1. The Forgotten (which totaled at 13 chapters and 4,406 words)

2. Blog Post: Yearbooks

3. Blog Post: "Days of Summer"

I can't exactly say which stories were in progress at the time, but still... It was pretty bad.

And then this school year happened, and things changed a little bit.


The 2017/2018 School Year

This year was quite better when it came to writing.

I completed... One lyrics book, three full-length fanfictions, four Blog Posts, and thirteen one-shots.

(And... I almost forgot. I'm on two new writing platforms online: ArchiveOfOurOwn and FanFiction. Both of these share the same stories as I have here-- just MAYBE a bit more organized-- and are under Kai517_TeenWriter, since that's kind of my common ground name).

1. Every Step of the Way (32 chapters; 14,755 words)

2. Lyric Book: Tuck Everlasting

3. Blog Post: Obsessions

4. Blog Post: STRIKE

5. Blog Post: My Big Project

6. Blog Post: Thank You!!!

7. Blog Post: My Big Project #2

8. The Day of Hearts (582 words)

9. Camembert (359 words)

10. Inescapable (24 chapters; 15,545 words)

11. I Know You're Still There (575 words)

12. St Patrick's Day (271 words)

13. I Object (1,197 words)

14. Easter/April Fools' Day (1,095 words)

15. The Arrival

16. One Step at a Time (11 chapters; 6,867 words)

17. Dads, Am I Right? (479 words)

18. Cassandra's Revenge (3 chapters; 1,671 words)

19. I Care (455 words)

20. Flat (735 words)

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