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Leo sighed and watched as people walked by his little shop.

All of a sudden, a horn was blown, making Leo jump to his feet. Leo watched as people rushed to the side of the streets to make way for someone. 


Leo rushed out of the little booth and looked out at the street. His eyes widened upon seeing the clan of the Pirates, the rulers of the seas. 

Leo had heard about the pirates from millions of people but had never seen one before. Although, he knew that they always stopped by the island of Olympus once a year where all the kingdoms came to have an annual yearly meeting that signified the millions of years of peace between each other. 

Leo saw the leader of the pirates, Poseidon. He recognized the four people standing by him as his wife and children.

A girl snatched a conch shell out of one of the boys' hands and threw it against the wall, shattering it into a million pieces. 

"Hey!" The boy yelled. 

"I told you to stop blowing that blasted thing!" The girl yelled. 

The other boy sighed. "Both of you, stop." 

"You can't tell me what to do, Percy." The boy growled. 

"All of you, enough!" Poseidon yelled, slamming his iconic trident of the gravel, the sound echoing throughout the courtyard. 

"Yes, Father." The three siblings replied.

Together, they continued walking, followed by the rest of their crew. The girl passed by Leo, glancing at him, before walking on.

"Who's that?" Leo whispered to the person next to him. 


"Poseidon's daughter."

"Oh, that's Kelita. Her beauty is known throughout the world. She has at least a billion suitors but ended up declining them all.  She has a quick temper that rumor has it, only Percy, her brother can quell."

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