Chapter Two

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Angel's POV

The world around me became a world of only color, mists of purple and red energetically danced with each other as the blue and lilac mists faded into a beautiful violet color that greeted me warmly. The green fog wrapped me in it's chilled grasp, something I almost found comforting. The colors came together to create a beautiful rainbow that happily danced with pride around me.

The new found rainbow swept me off my feat and gently lifted me into the sky, sitting a top of it into beautifully white clouds that rushed by. We flew higher and higher, almost as if I could touch the sun. We flew into it's calming white light and everything seemed to stop. 

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself asleep in an unfamiliar bed, with only a white candle on top of the window sill next to me. I gently sat up and took in the surprisingly barren room and it's calming grey walls. Beside the bed, there was only one nightstand in the room that sat directly next to me. 

I looked out the window only to realize it was still very much night time, the stars twinkled happily in the sky as the moon shone it's light through the window like a gentle smile in the sky greeting those who dare still be awake in it's presence. I swung my feet off the bed, now only realizing I still had on my converse.I slowly stood up and walked towards the closed bedroom door and froze before it. I gently pushed my ear against it's chilled wooden surface. 

I didn't hear anything, I closed my eyes to focus but all I heard was silence. I quietly opened the door and peered out the small open space, all that I saw was an empty hallway. I pushed the door open further  and stood in the silence for a moment before I began to wander down it's creaking halls. 

I took the first corner only to be face to face with a familiar red headed girl. She smiled sweetly at me, "Well good morning Angel, how did you sleep?" 

I tilted my head, "Morning?" I asked confusedly. I looked out the window to my left to be greeted by warm sunlight and morning traffic, "But it was just night." I said looking back at her still smiling face. 

She shrugged, "Sometimes it feels that way, but it is surely morning. Maybe you just need some food in your stomach to shake off your sleepiness." 

I shook my head slowly, "Wait," I said holding my head in my hands, "Where am I? Yesterday..." I shook my head again, feeling the memories slowly slipping from my grasp, "...Yesterday..."

The girl gently put her hands on my shoulders, "Hey now, don't try so hard. You took quite the spill yesterday." 

I picked my head up from my hands, "Spill?" 

She nodded her head slowly, "Yeah, some drunk bozo tried to assault you in an ally way. My dad saw it happening and he got the dude off of you, but not before the guy had slammed your head into the brick wall." 

I stood there for a moment, "That does sound vaguely familiar..." I said, recollecting something of that sort, "What happened to the guy?" 

The girl shrugged, "My dad said that the police took him away, I wasn't there, I was with you in the ambulance. You didn't have any form of ID or phone on you, so we took you back to our house when they said you were fine. I hope that's okay with you."

I slowly nodded my head, "Yeah...Yeah. That's fine." I said remembering exactly why I didn't have any ID or phone on me yesterday. 

The girl let go of me and sighed, almost looking annoyed. But the look was quickly replaced by her happy smile in an instant, "So food?"

I nodded my head again, "Sure." 

She locked arms with me and gently guided me through her house, "My name is Natalia by the way." 

I looked over at her, "That's a pretty name." 

She smiled sweetly at me, "Thank you! I don't particularly like it but I appreciate the thought." 

She happily towed me next to her as she tried to continue with small talk, but I was too in awe of the house. Everyone room we passed become more and more elegant, each seeming like they were taken out of different times.

A Victorian living room, a renascence kitchen, modern bed rooms, and ball room with a large table in the middle to sit down and eat at. Rose stopped for a moment when she realized how engulfed I was with the beauty of the house. 

She smiled gently, "It's amazing isn't it?" I slowly nodded my head, I was at a loss for words in it's glory. She giggled softly, "There is more to this house than meets the eye, dear." I looked at her curiously but she had walked away and pulled out a chair for me to sit in, "I'll go grab breakfast, you wait here."  

She walked out of the dining hall and for a moment I sat, but my curiosity got the best of me. I got up and slowly made my way to where I remembered the kitchen was. As I went to step inside I heard low voices speaking in a hushed voice, "Are you sure she doesn't remember anything?"

A voice that I presumed was Natalia's replied, "I'm as sure as I can be, it's a little difficult to hide it all when someone cast a night time essence in the bed rooms and it's broad daylight in the hallway, Adam. "

A third voice joined the conversation, "Sorry if I want everyone to sleep well, besides, you fed her the story, right?" 

Natalia sighed, "I did, but for how long can we retain that memory?" 

The first male voice replied, "A better question is, how long can we retain Zachery?" 

The second male voice came back, "That's right, how are you feeling Rose?" 

I thought for a moment, Rose? I thought her name was Natalia....Wait...Rose. In a split second, images began to flash in front of my eyes of last nights happenings. The fight, the people...The magic. 

I took a few steps back and leaned against the hallway wall for support. I felt dizzy, almost like I may vomit as the memories reeled in my head. I held my head in my hands as a more nauseating head ache started to set in.

I stumbled forward and down the hallway, this was all suddenly becoming too much for me. I hobbled to the front door, trying to escape what suddenly felt like a prison. Just as I got close to the front door, I tripped and started to fall, but a pair of hands that weren't there before caught me.

They held me and helped me stand straight, I looked up to be met with adorable brown puppy dog eyes. The guy smiled at me, a smile so captivating that it was almost calming. He didn't let go until I was stably on my feet, "I didn't know gorgeous girls just fell into your arms." He said playfully.

I giggled, "Sorry, I'm uh...." I got lost in his eyes as he raised an amused eyebrow at me, "I... don't feel very well. I just need some fresh air." 

He chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair, "Well if you need someones arms to fall into just come looking for me doll." He grinned, "My name is Lexiam but you, my dear, can call me Lex." He gently grabbed my hand and softly kissed it, "It was a pleasure to meet you."

He let my hand go and walked away coolly as I felt my face burn a deep red. There was a sudden voice behind me, "He's quite the player Angel." I spun around to be face to face with the red headed girl again as she leaned against the frame of the front door, "I wouldn't fall for him."

I glared at her, suddenly feeling much more sick again, "I'm not falling for anyone, "I took a step forward, "Or anything for that matter, Rose.

Her relaxed demeanor became more tense as she stood up straight, "I see." She said slowly stepping closer to me, "And how's that going for you?"

I suddenly felt less confident as I felt fluids crawling up my throat, "Not too good." I said sickly and quickly losing energy.

She nodded her head as I passed out in her arms, the world once again fading to black.

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