Chapter 2: Times up

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Skylar burst into her bedroom and immediately grabbed her suitcase, she opened her closet and began to throw in all her stuf..She grabbed her jewelry, her teddy bears, everything and quickly shoved it inside.

Her father was dead. The great Roderigo Van Styl was dead, she couldn't believe that idiot had gotten himself killed. Pathetic excuse for a crime boss anyways, what mattered now was that Skylar get her stuff and leave.

She grabbed her overflowing suitcase and opened her bedroom door

"Well hello toots..." Dex grinned at her as he stood in the doorway. "Going somewhere?"

Skylar didn't have time to say anything before her world went dark.


When Skylar opened her eyes, it was dark, she couldn't see anything in front of her save for a small light in the middle of the room. had she died? Was this a room in hell? Unbeknownst to her knowledge, it was indeed.

Skylar was in her underwear, a lacy black bra with matching panties. Her arms were above her head and something was holding them up tightly, she was hanging like a piece of meat in a slaughterhouse. "What the...WHAT THE HELL" She yelled as she tried to pull against whatever was holding her arms up, it felt like rope. "HELLO...SOMEBODY THERE?!" She screamed, her voice now rising to a panic.

The door opened slowly and a figure entered the room, "Well Well, the sleeping beauty has awoken" the voice said to her.


"You...DID YOU DO THIS?!" She saw the man's figure step into the light. It was Dex all right and he was grinning like a maniac. "Of course I did toots...I mean you're not much to carry despite that big mouth" He walked over to her and lifted her chin up to face him, "So...where's the money?"

"FUCK YOU!" She shouted and spat in his face, causing him to deliver a hard smack to her face, she tasted blood in her mouth.

"Oh sweetcheeks..I really hoped it wouldn't come to this, but you forced my hand. Last chance to answer, Where. Is. The. Money.?!!"

"I SPENT IT!" She yelled, "I spent every cent of your precious cash..and you know what I spent it on.." She grinned at him, "This lovely pair of goods I'm wearing now!" Surprisingly, Dex didn't shout back..instead he seemed glad, happy at her answer.

"What a shame...I guess that means you'll have to owe it to me some other way"

"What do you mean.."

"Hehe...its punishment time toots..."

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