Missing you

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I feel a warmth around me

Like your presence is so near

And I close my eyes to visualize your face when you were here

I endure the time we had and they are locked inside my heart...

For as long as I have those memories

We will never be apart

Eventhough we cannot speak nomore

My voice is always there

Because everynight before I sleep

I have you in my prayer.

The loss of a love one is so hard to face

that you just want to hide..

But death is something we all must go through,

It must be hard when its someone close to you .

Just know now they are in a better place ,

Nomore pain and hurt they shall face

It seems unfair and yes this is true

but they are in heaven now

watching over me and you.!

-◆ Written by Dishante ◆-

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